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Part 1: leaving for The Alps


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IF I can get the ruddy trailer fixed, that is.... Today I hooked it up to the Viano for the first time... WITH an adapter of 13-to-7 pins for the electrics and of course the lights didn't work. Short circuit somewhere. That's what you get from not using a trailer too often!


Next thing - after four hours of tinkering in 35 C heat - it turns out the safety wire doesn't hook up to the Merc.


Bought a new attachment... and now the screws that hold the loading ramp in place are rusted and I can't get the ramp off the trailer... or the bike on it. Aaaarrrghhh !!


But... IF we get it all fixed tomorrow (including the flat spare, I forgot) THEN we'll spend the next three weeks in the Alps, make a pause of 3 weeks in Holland to see after my Dad, and followed by another 3 weeks in France and Italy.


If anyone is in the area (French Alps, near Switzerland, near Italy) then keep us posted. We might meet somewhere, who knows !


Will put up a separate thread for our US TRIP PLAN in October ;-) (Have the maps with me and will detail over the next few weeks).


Happy Summer Riding everybody !! :wave:

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What?!!! You're not joining us in the Sierra next week?!! :wave:


Have a good trip. We'll watch for your news about October.

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Heheh, Sierra will have to wait, as do so many other plans. I could use a few extra lives, but hey ! :)

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Paul Mihalka

Francois, have a great summer! You mention "Viano". Searching Google that is a Mercedes minivan. Did you trade your beloved gas eating Jeep? Is the Mercedes a diesel?

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Yes, yes and yes :-)


Now we can travel at normal speeds again, carry LOTS of stuff (even luggage for customers if need be) and pay a lot less doing so !

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