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600 mile service on Camhead...? Need maint. schedule


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Does anyone have a Camhead maintenance schedule?


I was just informed by my dealer that for my 2010 R1200GS 600 mile service, the cyl. head bolts do NOT require re-torquing and the valves do NOT require checking or adjusting.


But the cost for 600 mile service is still $300--same as it was for my 07 RT.....inflation? $300 for oil & filter change and FD oil change.



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My dealer told me the same thing but I was also charged less for the service. The service manager made a point of telling me that the cost would be more for the next service.

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I can't recall off the top of my head what it cost. But I think it was about $100 or $150 less than what I was paying for as service on my 05 RT. I am away for a few weeks now. If i remember when I get back I will go look.

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The dealer computers have those lists so I'd be interested to see a complete schedule reproduced here. AFAIK, the only differences ought to be the valves and related synch because other systems have no obvious changes that should cause schedules to change from an 08/09. If one isn't pulling covers, there certainly is not 3+ hours of work in the rest of the service.


I'm all for supporting local dealers but to allow 90 min for the rest of the list is about right. An FD fluid change takes maybe 30-40 min - its just pull the tire, drain, refill, put tire on. that's the only time eating mechanical item on the list other than valves and oil change


Dealer bills for the 600 on the 08/09 are often reported in the $400-450 range but I do my own and more than 1/2 of the actual wrench turning time is what it takes to do the valves/synch part. And of course one has to wait for the motor to cool off to do those correctly- draining the hot oil helps get some heat out of the engine mass so that would usually be the starting point- code checks and various inspections can get done while that is happening.


One needs to keep in mind that service shops can get screwed on bills for some items when unexpected issues arise that are difficult to bill to the customer so making a few extra bucks on the easy stuff is also part of the game.


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Had the 600 mile service done yesterday--cost $240US. They printed off the following 3 schedules for me (I had to ask of course and it was a big ordeal). The RT should be pretty much the same. No valve adjust or headbolt torquing. So for $240 I got work done that I could have done myself for $45. Just to get that "crucial" (not) 600 miler done by the dealer.


Oh--almost forgot--they left the rear skid plate bolts loose. :eek: So I spent an hour in the garage last night practically re-doing everything they did, confirming all torque values.


I will revert to doing my own "progressive" maintenance from here on. Shame on me for the temporary "lapse".


600 Mile




6000 Mile




12000 Mile




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The only thing that I can see you needing help with would be the 13th item on the first page. Reading the Fault memory. But with a tool like the GS-911, you can do that as well.



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Yeah, but even that is superfluous if you don't have any issues. All those "checks" are simply there to add to the list to make you feel you're really getting your money's worth. How long you suppose it took to make those checks? Maybe a couple minutes.

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My 2010 RT is in the shop right now. When I dropped it off the dealer said it was going to be $250. When he called me this afternoon I almost passed out when he told me the service was going to be $311.00. What?


Bobby, you said yours was $240.00.


Like you, I do all of my own mech work on my bikes. But, I want to make sure I am doing everything right for the warranty.


I think I'm getting screwed.

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Since yours is an RT they may have had to remove some body panels to check the throttle body sync. At $85/hour (here) thats about right.


HOWEVER--if you asked the amount prior to the service and he told you $240, I would refuse to pay the overage. That is a verbal contract, you agreed to have the work done based on that amount. And if they discovered MORE work that needed to be done, they should have called you for approval. At an auto dealer, they call you for every little thing that's over the estimate, and it should work the same here. If he just plain mis-quoted the estimate, he should live by his quote, unless his call to you was for approval of the $$ before finishing the job. But even then I don't like the smell of this. Bait and switch.


All this being said--even $240 is excessive to me for an oil and FD fluid change. Thats why I'll be doing all my service moving forward. Except warranty, of course.


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Like the countless threads on tire mileage etc., most of these figures are meaningless until someone adds pertinent details like: number of labour hours; hourly labour rate; parts costs (and what parts were replaced (presumably just fluids, filter, washers, FD nut)); and, all taxes.

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Clive Liddell

Although I don't have a dog in this race I think the latest RT having no valve clearance adjustment, no torqueing of cylinder head nuts and last but not least NO whizzy brakes should take much less time to service and thus services should cost less!

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I do my own service on my 05' RT. The only thing I take it in for is brake flush.. And for that, I go to an after market dealer .. With almost 39K on it, it is running good and strong.

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Bob, you were right. The whole verbal contract thing worked. $250 out the door instead of the $311. It's still a rip.


There is no "black magic" to these bikes. I got tools and I know how to use them. That is the last of my money the dealer is gonna get.





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Although I don't have a dog in this race I think the latest RT having no valve clearance adjustment, no torqueing of cylinder head nuts and last but not least NO whizzy brakes should take much less time to service and thus services should cost less!



HEY, easy on that "whizzy brake" thing! :D I know, a pain to service, but they work just GREAT!!!!! :clap:

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Hi Bob.

I did not see the change frequency for tranny fluid. Did the dealer indicate when it should be changed?


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Here is my 600 mile service breakdown:

1 - 1.8 hours labor @ $88 - $158.40

2 - Oil filter $24.40

3 - Drain plug seal $1.14

4 - Engine oil(20W50)@$8.89 $35.56

5 - Parts cleaner $5.95

6 - Environmental fee $10.00

7 - Texas Sales tax $4.53

Total $239.98


No mention of changing the FD oil.... hmmm... I wonder if that is why we have FD failures... (joke! but no fd oil change stated)



2010 R1200RT



Like the countless threads on tire mileage etc., most of these figures are meaningless until someone adds pertinent details like: number of labour hours; hourly labour rate; parts costs (and what parts were replaced (presumably just fluids, filter, washers, FD nut)); and, all taxes.
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Here is my 600 mile service breakdown:

1 - 1.8 hours labor @ $88 - $158.40

2 - Oil filter $24.40

3 - Drain plug seal $1.14

4 - Engine oil(20W50)@$8.89 $35.56

5 - Parts cleaner $5.95

6 - Environmental fee $10.00

7 - Texas Sales tax $4.53

Total $239.98


No mention of changing the FD oil.... hmmm... I wonder if that is why we have FD failures... (joke! but no fd oil change stated)



2010 R1200RT



Like the countless threads on tire mileage etc., most of these figures are meaningless until someone adds pertinent details like: number of labour hours; hourly labour rate; parts costs (and what parts were replaced (presumably just fluids, filter, washers, FD nut)); and, all taxes.


No FD change? It's listed for the 2010 GS--can't imagine why the RT wouldn't also need it done. I'd ask the dealer to print out and send you copies of the 600/6000/12000 service schedules. I do not trust anything I'm told by a dealer. I wish it wasn't that way.

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Hi Bob.

I did not see the change frequency for tranny fluid. Did the dealer indicate when it should be changed?



I *think* it was at 24K but you better get a copy of the 18K & 24K service schedules to be sure.

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