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can't watch the world cup


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i thought there was something wrong with my tv. a constant humming when watching the world cup. found out it was the fans blowing on noisemakers.. glad i found out before i phoned my cable company and embarrasssed myself. just can't watch it with that noise...am i the only one?

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Mute sound, rely on closed caption. You miss the occasional "GOOOOOAAAAAAALLL", but there's always replay for that. :)
You must be watching in Spanish because the British commentators on ESPN are not indulging in hispanical celebrations of goals.
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I have found that if I just watch the match and don't worry about the noise it fades into the background just like the constant crowd noise at any major sporting event.

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Err! Imagine, the real "World Series". You know, for the 3 billion other inhabitants of the planet :rofl:


Nope, I'm not tracking with you there...


Gimme another hint... :dopeslap:


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Matt, I think the World Cup is a global loud horn blowing contest. Whenever they blow the horns, there are guys on a field of some sort with a ball, and sound from the horn is their signal to do something. But it's really just about the loud horns.


Yeah, Mitch posted pictures in his post above :Cool:

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