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Bike storage in SLC.

Marty Hill

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Can anyone in salt lake city store my 12GS from about 7/15 to 9/21? From just after the UN till just before fall torrey.



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We already have someone storing an LT here Torrey-UN-Torrey. We're concerned about space. Hoping someone else steps up for you. We'll keep an eye on the thread.

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Can anyone in salt lake city store my 12GS from about 7/15 to 9/21? From just after the UN till just before fall torrey.




So is this after you leave it with me to use, I mean store?

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Marty... update to my PM... We will be happy to have you store your GS at our house... there is room in the Garage, no problem.


If we end up extending our time away from the house after the UN- we will give you the door code. If we turn out to be here- no problem.


We can work out details later.



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Great, that keeps me from heading back to the bay area after the un. I'll PM you.



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If it doesn't work out with Hopz the bike can always be stored at my place.


Plenty of space in the garage and my GS would love the company.


I am currently not planning on being at the UN, but if my plans change, it will be a quick there and back so meeting you here should not be a problem.

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Andy, thanks I think it's covered. It's a quick 1 day trip for me as well so that would work. I'll keep you in mind if anything changes/again thanks.

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