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Joe Durt

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Particularly when it is cooler outside, my ABS faults out and I have to ride a little and reset them to get them towork correctly.

Any ideas?




Joe Durt

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This sounds like the classic 'low-voltage' fault. You have the choice of a new battery, even though it probably has much more life left in it, or carrying out the ABS-startup mod described here.



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Yup....what Andy said. Typical issue caused from a weak battery. A new good quality AGM battery like an Odyssey will fix you right up.

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Ditto Andy and Keith, I had the same problem a couple of years ago, put in an Odyssey battery and no problem since. As Andy said, your old battery probably isn't all that bad, I am still using the battery, that I removed, in my lawn tractor and it starts every time. :thumbsup:

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Ditto Andy and Keith, I had the same problem a couple of years ago, put in an Odyssey battery and no problem since. As Andy said, your old battery probably isn't all that bad, I am still using the battery, that I removed, in my lawn tractor and it starts every time. :thumbsup:


LOL....me too. My old battery is still going strong in the tractor after 3 more years, but it sure didn't like starting the RT.

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I'm sorry that I do not have all the facts to hand but there is an issue with the ABS circuit in that it is very voltage sensitive. BMW Germany does not recommend using a GEL cell battery as its voltage is slightly lower than a normal battery.


This issue was discussed around year 2002 which is not searchable but others here might remember it.





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Old(er) battery? Short commutes?


Check your battery condition and all your battery connections first then....

One easy solution, if you have access to an AC outlet, is buy yourself a trickle charger (Battery Tender) and a BMW plug.

Then just leave it plugged in to the accessory outlet (behind your left kneek) when you aren't using the bike :thumbsup:.


You should never experience that problem again :thumbsup:!



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