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Rear Tire Suggestions

Rocks Jr.

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My rear tire is shot, as in won't pass inspection shot , it's a Metzeler MBS Marathon tire (130/90B 17 74H). However, I can't seem to find that tire for sale anywhere.


Does anyone have any suggestions for a good all around rear tire matching the above size? Thanks.

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I'd prob try a Metz Lasertec, although a little softer compound, a great all around tire...you won't get the same wear as a me88 though...



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The catalog outlets have scads of tires for good prices. Depends on what you pay for installation. My local tire outlet mounts and balances for the price of the tire, dismounted, of courses.

It's good to keep the local guys in business. I get a bit of a dicount due to repeat business.

Lots of us swear by several brands and you will get varying milage due to use. one set of Stradas went 10K the next set I wore out in 4500 miles.

Squid here!

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Paul Mihalka

We don't know how much you know about tire sizing, so just in case: You state "130/90B 17 74H". Of that only 130/90-17 is important, the other codes change from brand to brand and tire type to type. It is a very popular size tire.

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