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R1150RTP clock


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I'm sure it's something somebody on here has seen before. When I have to crank the engine a little extra, like a cool morning. My clock resets to zero. any probable fixes out there?

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your battery is going out, time to replace it before it totally dies.

Probably your battery. If you take it to a battery supplier they should be able to load test it for you for free.

If your battery is good, check the battery lead connections to see if they are clean and tight.

If that doesn't help, it may be time to check the starter motor and Bendix gear.

If your battery is more than a few years old, I'd bet that that's your problem.

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If there is a zero (or close to zero) voltage to your clock, it resets. As others have suggested, that points to either your battery or a very high current draw from an ailing starter.

It's very likely to be the battery or even a poor battery connection.

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If there is a [low]voltage to your clock, it resets. As others have suggested, that points to either your battery or a very high current draw from an failing starter.

It's very likely to be the battery or even a poor battery connection.




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I had the same problem on my RTP. Changing the primary battery fixed the problem. To avoid the cost of a new battery you could try swapping the auxiliary and primary battery if your bike still has one, otherwise it is time to part with some money.


Good luck.

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thanks to all who replied. Bike only has 11k on it. It currently has a Westco primary of unknown age. I just installed a new secondary battery to go with some wiring mods I made as it still had the O.E. in it. I guess I should have swapped out the Primary. I've got a trip this weekend so I'll take the allen wrenches with me in case the battery fails, if it makes it okay i'll swap it out when after I come back on Sunday.

PS when I bought the bike last July it only had 6K on the odo. I couldn't pass up an 05 RTP with that little mileage.

thanks again.

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