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Zumo SD card question


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Can you use SDHC cards in the Zumo 550? I found reference to an update that references the SDHC, but it wasn't real clear.


I don't have a Zumo myself, just loading SD cards for someone else so I'm a bit in the dark here.



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From Garmin support page:


Zumo SW version 3.00

"Added support for SDHC cards and increased MP3 playlist limit to 1000 songs."


Latest SW release is 4.80.




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Yes. I just finished helping a friend set up his Zumo 550 and I used a 4Gb SDHC card without a problem.

The only restriction that I'm aware of is that the maximum number of mp3 files is 1000.

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OBTW... if the 1000 song limit is a problem for you, you can achieve a work around by putting several songs together as if they were one long song... pain in the patootie but it works.


You should also know that an overly large number of songs may cause overly long boot-up times.

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