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Gerbing's G3 glove question


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I'm wondering how true is Gerbing's sizing is with these gloves.

I usually wear a XL with gloves, but it has to be a actual extra large.


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Thanks all,you guys know that after a couple of returns,you don't get what you want for a month or so.

My problem is that the charts don't fit my mitts,I'm wide across the palms,thick fingers but not 5" long,I guess that's what I get for twisting wires for decades :)




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Peter Parts

Gerbings has been fairly faulty about changing size standards in the past (including, if I am not mistaken, when they make gloves for Harley).


It is possible they have been stung by past criticism and the G3 is closer to standard and matches their web information. But take care with older glove models.

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I have the Gerbing G3's and I always wear an XL in gloves. The Gerbings XL seems a perfect fit. Now if they just didn't feel like boxing gloves.......Really they do the job. I just can't stand to wear them unless it is in the 30's or less.

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Now if they just didn't feel like boxing gloves.......Really they do the job.

What job? Punching people or keeping your hands warm? :rofl::rofl:


Are they really bulky like, with no feel to speak of?


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Paul Mihalka

I guess everybody's fit and preference is different. I find my G3 gloves my most comfortable cold weather gloves. I use them often even when I don't need the electric heat.

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Bulky as in much heavier/stiffer than the everyday leather gloves I ride with. Note that I am spoiled, No more often than I use them in Texas they are probably not broken in yet!

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I love my new G3's. I don't find them bulky when compared to ...


1) gloves that don't keep my hands warm

2) the old Gerbing gloves pre-micro wire - these WERE bloxing gloves!

3) my very old winter Harley Gloves


I can easily split my throttle fingers, keeping the ring finger and pinky feathering the brake. Prior to the G3's I wore the HD with rain mitts on cold days and I still needed "hothands" if I was on the bike all day.

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