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Need Firefox/MAC help

Paul Mihalka

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Paul Mihalka

My favorite access to the Internet is via Firefox. On many things it works better the Safari that comes standard on the MAC. Now my Firefox Bookmarks toolbar is completely messed up. It has many things I did not bookmark, it transferred/added the bookmarks from Safari to Firefox, and I don't know how to clean it out. Also if I punch a starting address in the top bar it comes up with a list of places that I looked at once but is completely unrelated to what I started writing. HEEELP!


Edit addition: messing around now the URL line disappeared from the top. I'd like to have it back.

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Under the "Bookmarks" menu, choose "Organize bookmarks". This opens a window in which you can edit all of your bookmarks.


I can't speak to anything having messed up the bookmarks, though, as that hasn't happened to me.

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Paul Mihalka

When I click on "organize bookmarks" all I get is two lines of things I looked at but not bookmarked, and does not list the active bookmarks.


PS I got my URL line back.


All this may be from me hitting by accident and ignorance any wrong buttons. Don't presume any knowledge on my part.


Thanks for helping. I need it!

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Under TOOLS you can clear recent history. that should take care of whats in the URL window.


After that, click organise bookmarks, and look for bookmarks toolbar, and start deleting what you dont want.


Firefox has had an update recently, maybe you told it to import or something.


Thanks, this got me to re-organise mine, lol



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Paul Mihalka

When I click on "organize bookmarks" all I get is a page with two odd lines with a bbc.com address (which I used) and a line "unsorted bookmarks". When I click on "Bookmarks Toolbar" I get my complete, now extra long with junk, list of bookmarks, but I don't find a way to delete them.

Thanks for trying to help.


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It sounds like your bookmarks file is corrupted. I'm 99% sure that while you are working with "Organize bookmarks," if you click on the oval button with sort of a star in it, the second menu choice will be Restore >


Backups should be made automatically, and this should give you a list of backups to choose restore from. Restoring from a backup should overwrite everything completely. If the most recent backup is corrupted, try an earlier one.


If restore doesn't work, see this article: Lost Bookmarks .


Because I'm a belt and suspenders kind of guy, I also periodically export my bookmarks as an HTML file.


Backups are worth their weight in silver; restores are worth their weight in gold.


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Hi Paul


Ill try to help if I can. When you have your launch page up and ready to start surfing, bookmarking etc, take a look on the far upper right hand corner of your page. You should see an icon or symbol that represents the image of an open wrench. Click it and it will open several options to work with. From those options you should see a line thats says manage bookmarks or bookmark manager. Clik that 2 times and it should open your entire saved bookmark history. Then one by one click the bookmarks you did not want and after clicking the unwanted bookmark one time, go to the upper left side of the page and find the delete or cut option under the menu.

Click it once and that should remove the highlighted bookmark you wanted to remove. Keep doing this until you get it to where you wanted it to. As a very last option if none of the advice from all of us seems to help, you can reinstall the program to overide your current firefox and it will reinstall everything as it was when you first did it, Good luck.

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Paul Mihalka

"It sounds like your bookmarks file is corrupted. I'm 99% sure that while you are working with "Organize bookmarks," if you click on the oval button with sort of a star in it, the second menu choice will be Restore "


That did it! :thumbsup:

Thank you, all!

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Happy endings are always welcome. :clap: Now, clean up your bookmarks, if necessary, then export them as an HTML file for "just in case." Call it something like bookmarks-20100411.html. I keep critical files like this on a flash drive. It's also possible to store your bookmarks in the cloud.

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