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Help with Zumo 550


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Please treat me as a novice....

I have Zumo 550. I copied some Mapsource *.gpx routes onto an SD card. When I select "routes", it shows that none are available.

Where do I go from here? Have I missed some vital step?

I have also used Mapsource and the "Send to Device" button but this has not worked either.

When I use the USB cable and look at the files in the Zumo I can read the *.gpx file name.

How do I get the Zumo to find the loaded route?

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If I can make one quick suggestion, ZumoForums is the best place to ask questions about the 550. I post a question, and if I don't get an answer in an hour, it must be midnight on New Year's Eve. Kind of like this place.


I tried to figure out your issue by going there, but there are so many postings on how to fix your problem, you'll need to go through them to get to the one that'll answer your specific question.


I think you have to put all routes onto one file. I had a similar problem with POI's where I kept adding files, but it was just looking at the first one. I had to combine them into one file. I'm almost certain it's your issue too, but you need to go to the experts at ZumoForums.

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Haynes, to do that properly (put a usable route on the SD card) where the Zumo will find it you need a folder on the SD card called GARMIN,, then in that folder you need another folder called GPX..


When you put new .GPX routes on the SD card put them in that GPX folder in the GARMIN folder.. (look on your SD card as you might already have those folders on the SD card)..


Then when you go to IMPORT on your ZUMO it will find those .GPX files..


Nothing to it..





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Twisty, You may have solved the problem for me regarding the card. I had not put folders on it. I will create a folder "garmin" and subfolder "gpx".


Even without the card I suspect that I am still doing something wrong. Using Mapsource I have tried the "send to device" method of transfer without the SD card. When I view the folders in the Zumo using the USB cable, I can see the gpx file that I transferred in a file GARMIN\gpx but when I select "routes" there is no list. A message states "No routes available... "

I guess I'm asking: How do I get the Zumo to find the routes so it can list them? Is there something I need to configure?

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Haynes, boot your Z-550),, then touch the wrench on the screen (lower right corner),, then touch “user data” “lower left center screen”,, then touch “import data”,, then click “routes).. Once you see a list of routes put a check in the box to the left of the proper route you want to import,, then touch “import” at the bottom of screen..




When transferring TO the Zumo from MapSource be sure you have the correct Zumo shown in the device box (if not click find device),, then be sure you have tic in the routes box & nothing in the maps or track boxes.. Then transfer as a .GBD file not a .GPX.. GPX works great for transferring to the GPX folder on the SD card but the MapSource to ZUMO internal drive should be a .GBD (not sure you have a choice on this as MapSource should automatically transfer to the Zumo as a .GBD.. If you by-pass Map Source & transfer directly to the Zumo GPX folder (not SD GPX folder) then transfer as a .GPX.. (confused you yet?)




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I guess I didn’t understand your entire question.. In re-reading it I think I owe you more info..


If you want see what is currently in your Zumo (not SD card) as far a routes go you have some choices..


The first is to open MapSource & hook your computer to your Zumo then click “receive from” & put a check in only the routes box.. (that should bring a copy of the routes that are on the Zumo back into MapSource)




Go to My Computer then click on the GARMIN folder (NOT the SD card),, then open the GPX folder,, then click on CURRENT (that should generate a route list in MapSource for you..




Boot your Zumo,, then press WHERE TO?,, then press ROUTES.. That should allow you to scroll through all the routes on your ZUMO (not SD card) ..





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That's all great Twisty. I understand all of what you're describing. I'll be giving all this a try as soon as my laptop (with Mapsource) comes back from the tech; apparently the hard-drive is terminal. :(

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