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Anyone wanna attend TRW in April?


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Hey Folks,


After the long hiatus caused by the massive amounts of snow in the mid-Atlantic this winter, I've decided to begin the riding season by attending The Rider's Workshop (TRW) this April.


In case you're not familiar with TRW, click here. Don't worry, I'm in no way affiliated with TRW.


I'm merely being selfish in trying to ensure a class occurs on the dates I was hoping to attend, as there is a minimum class size of three. Currently, the TRW schedule doesn't yet show anyone signed up for the weekend I'd most like to attend (April 17-18).


So, is anyone else game for starting their season off with a great on-road course of instruction, one that's cleverly disguised as a weekend-long tour thru MD, VA, & WV?

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Anyone? Buehler? Buehler?


As it turns out, Jim is going to run the first two classes regardless of class size, so I'm going to get to go as scheduled afterall. May even have his instruction all to myself, so there! :P


No matter really, I'm just happy to get to go. Believe me when I say it's worth it ... and then some!

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Craig, I'm looking at the TRW in the middle of June at Meadows of Dan. It's one day of instruction and camping at Willville. I may stay and extend my time in the area either before or after class. Haven't picked my days yet.


Looking forward to establishing a new minimum standard for students.





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