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Oh my Gawd !!


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This came out of an old Honda Magna I'm working on for a buddy.

I believe this to be the original air filter, and it looks like its spent its whole life running in someones attic sucking insulation. It has actually sucked insulation clear through to the inside of the filter. Amazing lack of maintenance !


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Kind of looks like mice made a nest in the air filter box. Was the magna parked for long periods near a source of the insulation?

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That could be. I have not scraped any of it off. Maybe thats why there is some on the inside - they may have chewed through it !

The bike spent 1-1/2 years in a barn and i'm trying to save it from a slow death.

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That is definitely the work of rodents. Not a lack of maintenance........The filter, at least what you can see of it, looks reasonably clean. Bet you find some turds in there......

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Was the magna parked for long periods near a source of the insulation?


It doesn't take all but a few hours for some rodent to make that sort of mess. My wife got a nest in the trunk of her car overnite.

This was the car she drives everywhere, every day and it was parked in a driveway.


Usually, it takes longer because the rodent needs to find that really cool hiding place.

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Pleae wear rubber gloves and a dust mask if you mess with that thing. My wife works for our local health department and is always telling me horror stories about the nasty stuff in rodent droppings and nests....



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Handle it with care and caution. There can be very damaging bacteria in mouse droppings. Ans that aint no BS !! :lurk:



Actually it is a virus called Hantavirus and it is deadly. Flu like symptoms and then respiratory distress and death. Seriously, use a mask when messing with rat/mouse droppings.


Oh yeah....that filter is a mess!! ;)

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Yep, that's mouse damage. You should see what the little sh*ts do to telephone wiring if the pedistal lid isn't quite closed and sealed. I hate those mieces to pieces!!!!!!!!

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Handle it with care and caution. There can be very damaging bacteria in mouse droppings. Ans that aint no BS !! :lurk:



Actually it is a virus called Hantavirus and it is deadly. Flu like symptoms and then respiratory distress and death. Seriously, use a mask when messing with rat/mouse droppings.


Oh yeah....that filter is a mess!! ;)


Fill a spray bottle with 10/1 H2O/clorox and dampen the whole mess before you start........Let it set for 30 minutes, and wash up throroughly when done. Hanta virus is present in rodent urine, so obvious turds are not the only danger. The clorox will smell better than the mouse pee anyway.

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I think I would just buy a new filter. That's what I did when this happened to me.


Just buying a new filter will not get all that crap to migrate back out on its own.

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