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Gary Johnson member here? Spam/Virus email...


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...our old friend "Dear Friend" is suddenly hitting both my and my wife's email accounts from various people. I don't recognize the name "Gary Johnson" and wonder if he's a member here? If so, can someone tell him he's got a problem?


If you get an email with subject "Dear Friend" don't open it, don't peek at it, delete it and then delete it from your trash. If you do open it, you may find your own friends sending emails to you asking you why you sent them a "Dear Friend" email, and you may think your contacts have been deleted.


This is a virus/trojan/spambot/something which can cause quite a bit of heartache. It appears fairly regularly.



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The From name is typically spoofed in this type of sending, and therefore not meaningful.


Good point, I'd forgotten that. Funny how these things come around again and again.

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