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Dodged a bullet today.....


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well a tree anyway.


Lots of wind and rain flooding later tonight. A tree came down across from my driveway and took out the utilities. Fortunately for me it was just past my house and all of mine still work.









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Lots of wind and rain flooding later tonight.


Sunny & in the low 70* here in SoCal yesterday.....


But we do get an occasional sHaKeR :P

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Paul Mihalka

Lots of wind and rain flooding later tonight.


Sunny & in the low 70* here in SoCal yesterday.....


But we do get an occasional sHaKeR :P

And y'all bitchin' about taxes... :)

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Well I dodged the bullet but the bomb fell just after I posted this. I just got my power back about an hour ago. Makes me appreciate the decision to have a gas stove and a fireplace for just such and incident. My neighbor and I will be gathering the firewood soon.

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