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05 R1200RT Turn Signal Switch failed

Lucas A Fernandez

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Lucas A Fernandez


Has anyone had their signal switch failed on an R1200RT? I bypassed the switch contacts and proved that the circuit works fine. I have dead little cylindrical switch that seems to be part of the left switch cluster. By looking at the micro Fiche, it looks like BMW does not sell the little switch by itself. You have to buy the entire left side cluster at around $336 if you have cruise control.


Does anyone know of a source for the little switch or some other less expensive option?






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Common problem I understand. Beemer boneyard sometimes has them (not right now). Search around, there are a couple of threads on the site on this failure.

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Gotta be worth squirting a bit of water displacement spray in the switch I reckon.

They can be dismantled and the micro switches replaced with some from an electrical componant supplier. I'm not sure where I read it but one of these type of forums had someone replacing switches.


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I'm not familiar with this switch but as a general rule I will disassemble them and clean (usually find some sort of fluff on the contacts) if that proves futile there is a local family owned electronics store near me and they are very good at getting me a replacement. If there is a brand/model code stamped or molded on the case I would go that route. BMW had to source the switch from someone.

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Go to "Hexheads" Forum on 01/16/10 & look for topic entitled:


"R1200 RT Left Blinker Switch REPAIRED!".


May be of some help.


Good luck.

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