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Windsheil Relay

Retired At LAst

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Retired At LAst

O.K. I finally removed the dashboard panel in hopes of finding the relay that enables the windshield to go down.. Don't see anything in there, I thought it was behind the gas guage..


My screen will only go up. not down. The handlebar switch is fine.



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R.A.L., you are probably going to have to remove the nose plastic to access the windshield relays.. You can kind of access them without actually removing the front plastic but not nearly enough access to trouble shoot the power windshield system without removing the front plastic.. It should be two relays that flip (reverse) the windshield motor power/ground to make it go up or down..





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Yeeha! Stephen

I didn't have to take my complete nose apart to get to the ones on my 1150RT.


Had to take the windscreen off, then the black panel the covers the screen motor and got to this...


In the attached diagram, see the 2 holes that look like eyes... (Crude Red Arrow points to the right one)


Mine are under that hole. Rain drains down that hole and corrodes the relay connections... Yuk!


If you have a pair of long needle nose pliers or an SO/wife with small hands, you can unplug the 2 relays through this hole.


Otherwise you need to pull the instrument cluster out like you were changing the speedo/tach light bulbs.


Hope that helps.




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Retired At LAst

Well after taking the entire front end apart I checked both relays and they were fine.


Turned out the windshield switch was not operating properly. The green rocker switch when removed shows one prong (for lowering) was worn down somehow and not pressing hard enough to make contact..


Question now becomes where can I purchase the green switch which I will have to soder the wires to.

I looked at Beemerboneyard and Bike bandi, no go there..



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R.A.L., not sure where you will find a used switch or appropriate sized switch but is there any chance you can add a dob of solder to the worn contact or maybe drill & tap along the side of the worn contact then add a small brass screw to extend the contact?





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