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Wiring the Sound from my Radar Detector


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I recently took advantage of a good deal on an Escort radar detector. I'm now looking at options for running the unit's sound into my Autocom. Escort's sound output is 1/8 mono and I have the proper adapter for the Autocom. Specifically however, I'm wondering about the wiring itself. Can I make up the necessary cable just using duplex speaker wire (for example) or do I need to use a coax for noise suppression. Thanks.

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Albert, I just went to Radio Shack and bought a 6' mono male-to-male cable and a mono-to-stereo adapter. Worked fine. Oh, and I put a ground loop isolator in the line, one of the cheapo ebay ones.


Only problem I'm now having is it automutes, even though I've got auto mute turned off. Just need to fiddle with it.

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Thanks Mark, I guess I'll just do that too. I have the "gold plated" Autocom isolator which will be great for this as it has stereo and mono inputs with a single stereo out. I'll be able to plug both Escort and gps into it.

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