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We've got rules in this place, about fundraising, directing member attention to special interests, etc. Heaven help me, I'm going to stick my toe across the line. From the perspective of what this board is and how it got here, I can't think of a better reason for this one-time exception.


This place was started by Cary Littell. More than a decade ago it was Cary's RT Resource Page, then became BMWRT.com before eventually growing to become BMWST.com. Somewhere along the way Cary bought Marin BMW. Being the ethical man that he is, he saw a conflict of interest in both owning a BMW dealership and owning this site. So he passed off this site, and devoted himself to his business, his customers and his employees. But if it hadn't been for Cary, this place wouldn't exist. The friendships we've made here we would not have made. The events we've ridden to we would not have gone to. The Tech Daze we've had would not have taken place (the first one was at Cary's home). The UnRallies we've enjoyed, we wouldn't. The knowledge we have gained, would not have been as great. Cary would NEVER believe in his heart that we owed him anything. My heart says different.


Like any business, Cary's has had ups and downs. But this economy is doing a number on what is now called Moto Marin. And it's touch and go right now. So Cary's holding a "Staying in Business Sale." I live too far away to go there, but here's what I'm going to do.


For BMW parts, I support my local dealer. For accessories, I work in the motorcycle industry, so I have access to some discounts. But not today. Today, I'm ordering some accessories I need, and some extra service parts from Moto Marin (415) 526-6121. A couple more oil filters and air filters than I normally keep in the garage. Some spark plugs. I need a fuel filter, too. Even if I didn't do my own services, I think buying these parts today, from Cary, is what I need to do.


I also own MotoEquip. So I'm going to send him some of our Reflective Kits, at no charge. He'll have them by Thursday. If you want one, call Cary and order it.


What are you doing today? Do you have the time to order a few parts, and maybe pay a few bucks for shipping in order to help a friend? Probably one of the best friends you've had in the BMW world for the past 10 years, even if you've never met the man.


I was thinking about posting this and locking it. But I want to leave it open. If you call Moto Marin and ordered anything, post it below.

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Putting a face with a name:








One thing FB left out is that Cary is a heck of a rider, too! I wish I had some good pictures of that.

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Yes, the rules...there is a reason for them. Partly found in this answer to your question, what I'm going to do today? My local dealer is in the same if not worse position. I'll buy something from him today, if I need it. He didn't start this site, but he's done some great things in our community over the years...too bad he doesn't have such Forum supported recognition, but there are rules about that...I wonder why?

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Yes, the rules...there is a reason for them. Partly found in this answer to your question, what I'm going to do today? My local dealer is in the same if not worse position. I'll buy something from him today, if I need it. He didn't start this site, but he's done some great things in our community over the years...too bad he doesn't have such Forum supported recognition, but there are rules about that...I wonder why?

Excellent. Do support your dealer, by all means. It's tough everywhere. I have local dealers too. They get my business. But today, I'm making an extra effort to help a friend who has helped us all immeasurably.


That's my call. I support yours.

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Frankly, I don't mind one bit about 'bending' the rules a bit. I am a (more active, I must admit) member in a few other forums where there's a lot of hardship among the members too, and have put in a few donations here and there. These are tough times on many of us, no matter where we live or what we do.

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Thanks 'Nando. Cary is a great guy! I've been lucky enough to stop in his place 3 times this year. A bunch of us met there for lunch about 2 months ago and Phil got some work done on his bike while we enjoyed a great meal and hung out.


While there I had a new alt. belt installed as well as the lower spark plugs on my (now Vlad's)GS. Going to order something today!

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Thanks 'Nando. Cary is a great guy! I've been lucky enough to stop in his place 3 times this year. A bunch of us met there for lunch about 2 months ago and Phil got some work done on his bike while we enjoyed a great meal and hung out.


While there I had a new alt. belt installed as well as the lower spark plugs on my (now Vlad's)GS. Going to order something today!


Marty, I don't know anyone who's spread their service dollars more evenly among the U.S. BMW dealers than you have. Thanks.

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I applaud your initiative, but I wonder what happens next month and the month after that. What is the home office doing to support their dealers through this difficult time. Are they offering deep discounts on select models like the Japanese manufacturers are? How about across-the-board discounts on parts and accessories for a limited time?

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I'd urge folks to not over think this, especially in this thread. If you want to help, cool, but maybe the back and forth and questioning is better for a different thread.


When I think of all the positive impact Cary has had on me directly, and then indirectly through the friends and adventures via this site, it's hard to fathom.

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For BMW parts, I support my local dealer.


I used to do the same, till my two local dealers closed :cry:


A recent post showed a couple new dealers opening, one in PA. (I bought a used bike from them a few years ago, Kissell Motorsports, 'good experience' by the way)


I wish them all the best of luck, I miss my local dealers!... How long will they last is the question...


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Cary is an amazing person!! He is a true gentleman and a businessman all in one. A rare commodity!


I'll be calling him this week to see if I can't hold a 1st Aid class for him in the very near future so I can do something to maybe generate some floor traffic that will lead to a sale or two for him.


He's ALWAYS done right for me and my bikes!!!


Yes, times are tough everywhere. However, Cary is family to me and this board. One should always be there for family! Just my opinion.

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John, Northeast Florida

Ok, I'm ready to help. Know where I can get these engine guards, and I'll order them post haste: NOW




Thanks to Moshe for the picture!

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I'd urge folks to not over think this, especially in this thread. If you want to help, cool, but maybe the back and forth and questioning is better for a different thread.
Sorry, didn't mean to offend or hijack. My point is that Cary's plight may be similar to many local dealers. Can we use our collective voice here to lobby mother corp on behalf all local dealers like Cary? I'll shut up now. ;)
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John, Northeast Florida

I recently got nuked (not on this board) when I mentioned that price is only one part of the equation and that there may be additional value doing business locally. Not quite a rant, but at least one individual chastised me for even suggesting 'supporting' a local dealer if their prices were higher. (Foolish me suggested talking with the owner) That being said, there are some dealers that insist on selling parts (and service) beyond even manufacturer's suggested retail. So, the old latin, 'caveat emptor' really does apply especially in today's age where loyalty to a customer is raggedly thin, and loyalty to a company perhaps even thinner.


And while this may just be a band-aid, it should awaken all of us when we price shop and nickel/dime a dealer to death. What's happening with this poor gent's local customers is perhaps equally or more important! Where are they?

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Cary is a superb guy, a great friend, you don't find any better than him. He deserves all the help he can get.

But to be a bit of a devil's advocate: Some comments of what the manufacturer should do for the dealers, lowering parts prices, even bigger rebates (how about $2.000 on a 2009 GS?) etc. Let's not forget that in tough times the manufacturer has it tough too.

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I agree with Paul's comment. In tough economic times, price is very easy to look at as being the "devil." I would counter that price is one thing but, service is all together another. I'd rather pay more for better service. With Cary, you get a fair price and excellent service. Far beyond what I have experienced with other dealers.


I'm not above the glass house in realizing that my "support" has gone much more to a much more local dealer. Selfish reasons purely. A 35 minute drive to the local dealer vs 2 + hours to Cary.


I have already dispatched my email to Cary offering to do what I can in terms of a 1st Aid class or anything else he could think of to help him out.


In times like this, it is so important to look within to save a business than it is to look for someone else to do it for you. BMW is doing their part, Cary is doing his. Now it's time for us to do ours to help out a family member.


Again, my opinion, my .02, YMMV.

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Supporting one's local dealer has never been more important than in these tough times. Assuming fair and equitable pricing, the few dollars we save by shopping elsewhere pales in comparison to suddenly having no local source, no local advice, no local wrench. But let's put all that aside for the moment.


I stated what "I" was going to do. And I suggested others might consider the same. So why the apparent contradiction? Because I'm only talking about a few items, not suddenly shifting all of one's allegiance to a different dealer. And with those few items, you'd be helping a person who has given this place so much.


Does your dealer deserve to sell you those items? Of course. But your dealer might not have had as much of your business, might not have sold you as many accessories, might not have done as much service on your bike, if it wasn't for this board and the friends and the rides and the events and, and, and, that Cary's vision and the hard work and leadership of subsequent owners have yielded. Hell, he might have not even sold you your bike. I've been here going on my second decade and I can't tell you the number of people who've said their decision to get a BMW was strongly influenced by the information, helpful members and camaraderie they found here.


So IMO a little fiscal redirection might be warranted. It is for me. Whether it is for you is a personal call. You have to weigh what this place means to you and if you could thank the man who started it, would you. No judgments here. It's strictly your heart and gut making the call. And there is no wrong answer. If you do, great. If you don't, (as Wurty would say) I'll still let you buy me a beer at Torrey.

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Hi everyone... it's been a long time and wanted to chime in.


First things first, the motorcycling community is amazing - I got an email from MotoMarin earlier today, and they're saying the place is packed with people today (and it's a big place). Our efforts to get the word out definitely helped!


I've know Cary since before the R1100RT... he got me addicted to motorcycling while he was building the original "Cary's RT Source" web site (omg... 1997-1998?). He has helped the BMW and specifically the RT community in amazing ways and just by reaching out and helping others.


This is definitely a wakeup call to everyone, in regards to your own local dealers - not just Cary. I would imagine that survival is on the minds of 99.9% of them. Most won't tell you the bad news, Cary is a very proud person and doesn't want to say what 'could' happen... he's always focused on making every motorcylist's experience better than last time.


I know he appreciates all your support... but sounds like he's busy at the counter helping folks get parts today!!



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I have an 18K service coming up and will order my parts through Moto Marin.


I went out to the site a few minutes ago looking for the online store and discovered there isn't one—Yikes! Cary, once you get through the rough patch, consider opening an online store front and market some unique Moto Marin products. Sell services, set up your own online auctions for your close out products and consider a fly in, buy and ride program. Hell, I'd love to combine a purchase with a trip around Marin County.


The national market needs easy access to Moto Marin.


Good luck Cary! I will call in an order on Tuesday for my 18K and 24K parts….and thank you very much for creating BMWSporttouring.com.


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It's always nice to check in once in a while :wave:


Been busy behind the scenes, working, and missing the motorcycle. One day soon... 2010 is the year to get back on two-wheels... with an engine.


Quick explanation on why there's no online store and extended services at MotoMarin. Everyone is doing it and Cary's vision was creating a community of riders that he sees, making the dealership a destination and not even compete for e-dollars at one piece per transaction. Get them in the store and you're likely to sell them 3 pieces per transaction.


With hindsight, was it a mistake? Well... it's definitely something to talk about to bring more cash through.





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John Ranalletta

hmmmm... if it weren't (ahem) illegal, I'd be in for a $300 ticket to win a new r1000rr if 99 other folks felt the same way.

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Thought the same thing regarding the online e-store, could have been on and off with some maintenance items in 5 minutes... I was surprised no e-commerce ability.


I hope 2010 is a good year for them.



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One thing FB left out is that Cary is a heck of a rider, too! I wish I had some good pictures of that.


True dat.


Cary showed lots of people what an R1100RT could do.


Near Crater Lake on the bike that started it all



Riding the cone patterns with the CHP



HP2 with a custom motard setup, at Infineon.



He knows how to get dirty, too




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I looked at some of his preowned's.... Just wish he wasn't so far away. :(


Bikes can and do get shipped. I am sure that Cary would be glad to help you with that. :)


I just ran across this thread from China on this Sunday. I will check Cary's website today for hours and as soon as he opens next, I am going to use my Skype money and make a call to place my order. I don't care if I just order something that doesnt even fit in accessories. I owe Cary so much for this site, including meeting one the best friends I have ever had in my entire life. Money talks..... order up my friends.... please.



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So how do us non-locals with two badly-in-need-of-accessories bikes find out what's available at Moto Marin that might fit these two beasts - without keeping someone on the phone who needs to be dealing with customers in person?


Is there a willing volunteer up in Nor Cal to give the rest of the nation an idea what Cary's got in the way of accessories?


And anything else you can think of -





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skinny_tom (aka boney)
I looked at some of his preowned's.... Just wish he wasn't so far away. :(


You could easily convince more than one of us to personally deliver your new bike (with a few more miles on the odo.)


Laney, I'm at work on Tuesday. I could go there Wednesday and give you the low down. I've got thousands of rollover minutes looking for a use.

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Phil, when you post the date for the first aid class I'll try to fly out and attend. Someone has to crack jokes during coffee breaks. Speaking of coffee, Cary has about 6 different kinds in his new machine. Yum!

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I bought a LOT of parts yesterday. In fact they were assembled into a single 2004 R1150RT! Alas, budget prevented me from buying a new bike, but rotation of their used inventory helps too, I suppose.


I did see the "Staying in Business" sale placcards.


Good bunch of guys.

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I happen to be unemployed and could use a reason to get away for a bit before devoting myself to full time at the college to expand my skill set. I could be talked into doing a delivery for the cost of my expenses (and I camp while traveling, so some freeze dry and if I cant find open range the occasional site fee) plus return costs on say Greyhound...


SO is he running any sales for the Pre-owned's? They are nice, but A little out of budget.


BTW, I don't think anyone posted he link to his site, so here it is...... http://www.motomarin.com/ ...... But most of you probably knew that. ;)

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Yowser.... it's the Beasley !!!! How you doing mang....long time no hear.




Been busy busy busy... missing the moto rides from here to who knows where, but life sometimes throws us a few distractions to make us appreciate life.


Was all excited, ALMOST had to make a trip to Austin. And there was no way I'd leave without hanging with you.


Miss ya man!!


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As an update folks... the Sale has been a great success so far, and Cary told me that the shelves are getting bare - so the sale won't make it to Feb 13th.


Also. IF you are making a phone order, tell them that you're from BMWST.com... and they'll make sure your shipping charges are on the house.



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It's kind of funny that the last time I needed a battery I bought it from Cary and then got a load of shit from some on here about I should have bought a cheaper, better battery online instead. I have supported Cary and I will continue to do so. I even told a member on another forum about a used 2004 R1150RT that was for sale there and he bought it last week. If we don't support our dealers they won't be there for us when we need them.

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I stopped by Yesterday. Only about an hour drive from my neighborhood. Used the excuse of visiting my daughter at college but she didn't have time for Dad. I got to talk to Cary and told him of the post here on this board. Nice guy. What a shop....loads of beautiful machines. The Aprilia's were giving me a stiffy. Even a few of the Moto Guzzi's turned me on. I was looking for riding gear for the pillion but didn't see anything she could afford so I bought a few accessories. Nice shop, I may be going there more often rather than ride to A&S in Roseville. I even rode over the hill to the coast before heading home. I need more of that!

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I called and ordered oil filter wrenches for the 1150 and F800ST yesterday. I spoke with Greg and he quoted me very good prices (I was going to buy from them anyway)I did let him know I was responding to EffBee's BMWST post. Very nice folks and I was happy to help someone out.

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I live three miles from that dealer and I have bought many things from them over the years - including my RT. You will be hard pressed to find another parts guy as nice as Greg. He has actually come outside and helped me install things on my RT that I just bought from him. He is really a class act!

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I recently got nuked (not on this board) when I mentioned that price is only one part of the equation and that there may be additional value doing business locally. Not quite a rant, but at least one individual chastised me for even suggesting 'supporting' a local dealer if their prices were higher. (Foolish me suggested talking with the owner) That being said, there are some dealers that insist on selling parts (and service) beyond even manufacturer's suggested retail. So, the old latin, 'caveat emptor' really does apply especially in today's age where loyalty to a customer is raggedly thin, and loyalty to a company perhaps even thinner.


And while this may just be a band-aid, it should awaken all of us when we price shop and nickel/dime a dealer to death. What's happening with this poor gent's local customers is perhaps equally or more important! Where are they?


I agree. Support you LOCAL DEALER. How many people in your community does the dealer a thousand miles away employ? Are they paying any local/state taxes to help pay for that nice road you like? Keep them honest, but buy all you can from them and let them make some money....you won't like it if they go away.

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I spoke with him last week. And again today. He mentioned that he should have the new 2010RT in next week. So I asked him if I could mention it on BMWST and he said of course.

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