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Howard Zinn 1922-2010


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I am a sad man right now as one of my favorite speakers/authors passed away Wednesday from a heart attack. He was 87 and still going strong up until the very end. In fact, he was the subject of this:




Discovered him about two years ago and found him to be a very interesting historian with a unique perspective that I gravitated towards. Those interested can read more about him here:




and see a recent interview of him here:



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Truly a great man and a WW2 vet who served his country in times or war and spent his life as a student and teacher in the greatest universities in our county. I think what makes Zinn such a great man is that he devoted his life and the work of his life to what he believed in and thought was right. Irregardless of political views, opinions and or differences, it is the combination of those characteristics that lays the foundation for anyone to rise to his or her own greatness in life.

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BobK with an R

Howard truly was an advocate for the common man. His voice will be missed, live on in his books, such as A People's History of the United States.

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