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Red Triangle on Display


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Hey guys, last week the red triangle showed up on my dash with the battery icon (07 R1200RT 60kmiles) . Got home 4-5 miles with out a problem, and checked voltage at the battery and saw 10.8. Otay , must be battery, ordered new one installed today and the triangle and battery icon is still there. Do I need to head to the dealer or is there something I can check first.

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Formerly_Capecodbeemer, that red triangle & battery icon means it ISN’T CHARGING not a low battery (even though no charging will end up with a low battery)..


With it running at 2000 RPM’s see put a voltmeter across the battery posts,, if below 14 volts you have charging problems (my guess is it will be low)..


If so pop the front belt cover & see if the belt is still there & tight enough to drive the alternator.. If so then look into the possibility of an alternator failure..




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Hopefully it's just the belt broken. Easy to check yourself. Pop off the front plastic cover and see if the belts in one piece.


Edit:, Pipped at the post by Twisty ;-)


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little more info was able to peek in and see the belt going around. But the snow started down for the second big storm this year so unable to put a meter on to check voltages yet.My led voltage indicator was showing 10-11. Someone mentioned voltage regulator but I can't find one in the online parts fiche. Could the r1200 do without ??

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Ahhh, I was hoping that someone would tell me about the little black box on the left side that only costs $6.00 to replace. oh well, sometime next week will pull tank and check belt and all connections but the good news is my local dealer is running a Feb sale with 20% off service and service parts. Will let you all know what was what. Thanx for the info.

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