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There oughta be a law, and there is!


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I was wondering how many laws there are in the USA. Collectively, hundreds of thousand or more. Many of these laws seemed relative for the time period they were written. And many of these laws are so ridiculous, that it raises some questions about who we have been electing to public office, and what these elected officials are doing with their time and our tax dollars. What’s the dumbest law in your state or country.

For instance:



It is illegal to take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing.

It is illegal for one to shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel.

A recently passed anticrime law requires criminals to give their victims 24 hours notice, either orally or in writing, and to explain the nature of the crime to be committed.



Women may not drive in a house coat.

Peacocks have the right of way to cross any street, including driveways.

You are not permitted to wear cowboy boots unless you already own at least two cows.



A special law prohibits unmarried women from parachuting on Sunday or she shall risk arrest, fine, and/or jailing.

If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.

Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal.



No one may have sex in the back of an ambulance if it is responding to an emergency call.


And the list goes on and on! What’s your States silly laws


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Lot's of things are illegal but seldom if ever enforced. I'd be willing to bet these laws were enacted in the 19th century and it's just a matter of time before they are repealed. An example of something once illegal but now repealed is sodomy and libel.

I'm pretty familiar with the California Vehicle code and I am not aware of the women in house coats or peacock crossing laws. Care to let us know what the code sections are?

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When you find an elected official with common sense, please post it. I have yet to see one.


Mmmmmmmm, You know, you could decide to run for a local office, get involved, make a change. Ya might be suprised how many good people do just that. It might make you rethink that statement ya made.

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When you find an elected official with common sense, please post it. I have yet to see one.


Hey... I resent that statement... I'm an elected official.


I haven't passed any new ordinances yet. Although I plan on trying to put together a ordinance to restrict leaf burning in town. Right now, we're busy on the FY2010 budget. Revenues down, expenses up... what else is new.


I tend to agree however, in regards to career politicians. I think we'd have better representation if most all representatives were part time positions or at least had terms limits. I think the loss of experience, is not nearly as bad as the corruption that it brings.

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Right now, we're busy on the FY2010 budget. Revenues down, expenses up... what else is new.


I tend to agree ho


That's easy... Only spend what you have... If you don't spend on it, you don't need it so next year's budget is even easier.



There used to be a law in SC that it was illegal to go to church without a sidearm.

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When you find an elected official with common sense, please post it. I have yet to see one.


Hey... I resent that statement... I'm an elected official.


I haven't passed any new ordinances yet. Although I plan on trying to put together a ordinance to restrict leaf burning in town. Right now, we're busy on the FY2010 budget. Revenues down, expenses up... what else is new.


I tend to agree however, in regards to career politicians. I think we'd have better representation if most all representatives were part time positions or at least had terms limits. I think the loss of experience, is not nearly as bad as the corruption that it brings.


Leaf burning? We SF Bay Area residents have not been able to do that for 40 years. All green waste is now "recycled".

In California, our government solves their loss of revenue, fiscal crisis by raising taxes.

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Bob, all that recycled leaf material is probably available to you in the form of compost. Free. Berkeley does the same thing. Free. Burning something that you can just put in a can for recycle pickup is just polluting. Where I live I wish we had green material pickup instead we do our best to create compost but many folks here don't want to be bothered so they burn and then wonder why their respiratory systems are compromised. So I hope you don't bemoan the fact that you can't burn.

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Right now, we're busy on the FY2010 budget. Revenues down, expenses up... what else is new.


How are your operational efficiencies? Eliminating waste, holding vendors accountable, tightening up bidding guidelines, downsizing office space, eliminating duplication and renegotiating everything from leases to salaries and perks are all viable solutions to the only two alternatives the public sector seems to recognize, cut or tax.


Just sayin.


Good luck. It's not easy. But once people experience the marvel of efficiency, they start to question things in ways they never did before.

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Leaf burning? We SF Bay Area residents have not been able to do that for 40 years. All green waste is now "recycled".

In California, our government solves their loss of revenue, fiscal crisis by raising taxes.


We already have yard waste composting program, and mulching leaves is always an option. At minimum, I'd like to place clear restriction on when residents can burn. (# of days, weather conditions). Ther are some restriction now, but it's limited.


We may be forced to raise taxes to cover employee benefits that continue to increase. You nca only cut servies so much, before your forced ot raise taxes. For example, several of our police patrol cars are close to 200,000 miles. And these are ALL city miles, with very little 2 lane travel. Maybe other city vehciles for snow removal, park dept. etc. are more than 15 years old and in poor condition. So you have to make a priority list for capital equipment and decide from there. Having a patrol car breakdown on the way to an emergency, as thefirst reponder is unacceptable. Having 1 less snow plow could create a hazard, but more likely is jsut an inconvenience. We could also look at outsourcing snow plowing activities during major snow or ice events.

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Right now, we're busy on the FY2010 budget. Revenues down, expenses up... what else is new.


How are your operational efficiencies? Eliminating waste, holding vendors accountable, tightening up bidding guidelines, downsizing office space, eliminating duplication and renegotiating everything from leases to salaries and perks are all viable solutions to the only two alternatives the public sector seems to recognize, cut or tax.


Just sayin.


Good luck. It's not easy. But once people experience the marvel of efficiency, they start to question things in ways they never did before.

I think we've done a fairly good job over the years. For example, our street department used ot have as many as 15 full time employees... we now have 7. I think outsourcing some of the work and renting some of the equipment might make sense when you have intermittent demand.


I think we need to look at out city departments and consider consolidation in terms of managment, and at minimum look at our capital equipment as shared assets... namely vehciles including dump trucks and pick-ups. Also sharing storage facilities. Can the police, fire and streets department share a common storage building?

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Here is a new law I just made up.

"It is against the law for any politician to be completely honest because it makes the other politicians look bad"

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No one may have sex in the back of an ambulance if it is responding to an emergency call.

Um, I actually happen to agree with that one...
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