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Cedar Key Check In


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Back from a great ride with Knifemaker and my 7 year old. Great to see everyone and to enjoy a 300 mile day with my boy.


I'll put up some photos in a little while.

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Back around 6. Enjoyed seeing everyone, eating blackened grouper, and chasing Bernie and company all over North Florida.

Was also good to see Marty, the official BMWST social gadfly/ambassador/ride anywhere for a meal guy holding court on the sidewalk.

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Had a terrific day. Being chased by 10 guys all day long is quite exhausting.

Every time I looked in my mirrors, there are these guys. I don't get it. :rofl:

Home safe and sound by 5:50 PM, after finally being able to shake off the last one. :wave:

I am exhausted. :thumbsup:

Tallman, thanks for organizing the event. Good job as always.

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Matt, Nate (Matt's son) and I had a great day rumbling around North Florida and over to BMWST KEY...(thought I would re-name it for us...it is ours right!!!)


Good to see Calvin, Richard, Tim and Beth, Marty, Bernie and all the rest....Did not do my regular number of pics but these should give a flavor for some of the day...



Finally Matt shows up this morning...OK OK you worked late...








Matt have a traveling buddy this morning...Someone that has the looks of Matt's better half.....NATE Hey Buddy...







After hours of travel we make it to BMWST KEY and the usual suspects are there....



Tallman....Looking good...even with the wrong hat !!!






Sorry Tim....Beth looks even better...Such a great SMILE !!!






Calvin...Have any more of those twentys ?






Oh, a beautiful day on the Gulf and seafood....







I SAID SEAFOOD !!!!! some folks are hard to teach...must be from the WEST !!!!






Marty and Tim....It's a good time to remind yourself why Tim is called Tallman....HEY TIM... HUZBAND SAYS there are more than 3 letters.... in ALABAMA !!!! and 3 of them ain't FSU...and Danny should know it was his only question on his final test for college graduation...






Good seeing ya Richard.... Oh..Richard it was 70 degress out today...







OK something different this year....The other birds of BMWST KEY...














Marty...What Calvin !!!

Did You stick a nail in my purch?

NO...Calvin...I didn't stick a nail in your purch !!!!

Marty...Now what Calvin !!!

This new purch is crooked...

Marty....Marty....are you ignoring me ?????









Ok that's it....from BMWST KEY 2010....










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Back home with my granddaughter at 5 p.m. Had a great time and it was good sharing lunch with Tim and Beth. Good to see that the Tampa club had about a dozen of my friends at this event. Oh, and it was good to see the Eskimos from N. Florida too.

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Calvin  (no socks)

Sea fog in Neptune Beach when we left and returned.. chilly 51 degrees... Zooomed up to 75 in Gainesville and nice in Cedar Key. Had a nice first trip of the year and earned a "Solo" trip to the BRR on the K12s!


Note: First "Two Up" trip on the LT (Light Truck) Hands off the bars test in the wind @ 85 mph .....300 miles with the Mrs. ......and no bitchin'..... (re: K12s on the Un New England ride)....Sweet. :thumbsup:


PS. Stopped for fresh seafood in Cedar Key and actually had a place to put it in the "Cavernous" storage area! Also had an extra front seat spare part from Tallman strapped to the topcase.

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Calvin, you two looked comfortable. Glad to see the LT is working out. Some of the guys from Jax did comment on your spare seat, I told them you like comfortable. :/

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Sorry I missed it. Had to keep the peace in the mean streets of the city in my Impala...............lol


Sorry I missed it as well. Hello from China! Nice pics Bill. More please? :)

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Sorry I missed it. Had to keep the peace in the mean streets of the city in my Impala...............lol


From one sunny day in Charleston...




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Sorry I missed it. Had to keep the peace in the mean streets of the city in my Impala...............lol


Sorry I missed it as well. Hello from China! Nice pics Bill. More please? :)


Here's a few of mine Shawn.






And a still life after I got home...


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Tallman....Looking good...even with the wrong hat !!!

For those educationally-challenged that's the second-best hat in the country. :grin:

And thanks for the replay on my lunch (NOT the burger!), it was even better than it looked.

Good ride (400 miles), good lunch, good times. What's next?

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