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DVD Pics......


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Here's a few from the great DVD ride..



The Boys............




Cornelius, Norm, Kathy and Phil



Joe, Dave and Bill




Jan, Debbie and Dwight




Kathy demonstrating her new tank bag courtesy of Dave...

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How about some more pics from Rhyolite!










How do I explain this?




The Olancha breakfast bunch, from left,Scott, Cornelius,Frank, Rob, Don, and yours truly,Mr Duck



A truly great weekend, excellent dinner,exceptional company,and NO PERFORMANCE AWARDS for anyone!!!


Glad you that went enjoyed the Date Farm run on Saturday, interesting place to ride into!


I LOVE DEATH VALLEY, Can't wait for the next excuse to go back there!




Don J :wave:





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I have a couple pics to add.


Here's one more from Rhyolite on Friday as the sun was headed down.



Not really sure what it's supposed to be, but I thought it looked interesting in this light.



This one is from Zabriskie Point. Reminds me of marble fudge ice cream... Mmmmm...


I want to thank Greydude Todd and everyone else involved for making this such a great trip. :clap:

Never been to Death Valley before, but I'm going every chance I get now. I didn't get the chance to meet everybody, but I'll try and correct that in the future.

Special thanks goes out to Mr. Duck n his crew of hoodlu... er Gentlemen for taking me in and making me feel like part of the bunch. It was great fun riding at triple di... er... barely legal speeds. :grin:

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How about some more pics from Rhyolite!





Mr Duck, what are the manger scene like formations/sculpturs


John the sculpture was titled "The Last Supper"

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I truly have no idea who or why,somebodys idea of art I suppose. These are big, about 8 ft tall, and out there on the edge of nowhere.Rob the Canuk seem to be in the know about this, looks like a last supper, 13 shapes.





Her's Don- Groanup( your reputation is now ruined, guilty by association!)

These are hollow metal and quite large also.


Kinda cool, and someone went to a lot of work to erect these!




Ya see a lot of strange stuff out here in the desert, that's probably why I like living out here.




Don J :wave:

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Groanup, that pic of the "marble fudge ice cream" looks surreal. Fantastic pic.

+1 on that. Groanup, could you please tell us the exif data as I believe it was stripped out.

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Groanup, that pic of the "marble fudge ice cream" looks surreal. Fantastic pic.

+1 on that. Groanup, could you please tell us the exif data as I believe it was stripped out.


I'm not much of a photographer so I'm not sure what ya mean by "exif data" or "stripped out", but if it helps, here's what I did:

I was using my daughter's Kodak Easy Share C613 P&S for all my pics. My SLR was stolen a couple years ago and hasn't been replaced yet as I always seem to have something else to spend my money on (can you say BMW?)


Anyway, I uploaded all my pics to Photobucket and when I checked them they all seemed very dull and lifeless, so I used the Photobucket editing tool to fudge things so that they would look like I saw them in my mind's eye. I don't realy remember what all I did, but I like the way it came out. I'll try n pay attention in the future. I just didn't think anyone would ask. The two I posted were the the best of the bunch IMO.


Sorry I can't be more help. :S

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Yep, the "dsanti..." link are the photos taken by Bigfish.


If you see an image you like, click on it to view and then click the download button in the top left corner. Your hi resolution image will download to your computer. Enjoy!

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I'm not much of a photographer so I'm not sure what ya mean by "exif data" or "stripped out", but if it helps, here's what I did:


Sorry I can't be more help. :S

Sorry. Here is a little explanation: EXIF.org is an unofficial site dedicated to EXIF and related resources. EXIF stands for Exchangeable Image File Format, and is a standard for storing interchange information in image files, especially those using JPEG compression. Most digital cameras now use the EXIF format. The format is part of the DCF standard created by JEITA to encourage interoperability between imaging devices.


Camera settings, lens used and camera used are among the items stored in digital image's exif data, so I was wondering which cam and lens you used and the settings. No big deal. And if you save the pic for web use the info is usually stripped out to save hard drive space/band width.


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