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Motormen: Sidecars in your department?


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Saw an article in the paper today that the District of Colombia PD has bought some HDs with sidecars.


Any of your departments using three wheelers?


I haven't seen a police trike since I was a kid. The local department was still using a few Servi-Cars, which seemed like a pretty useful vehicle to me. (though it seems to come up a bit short in the comfortable saddle department)




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I recall as a kid seeing a lot of Servicar's in use by the San Francisco Police Department. All were used for parking enforcement.

Side cars for law enforcement makes no sense. The biggest issue is lane splitting..essential for catching violators. The HD is slow enough solo, who wants this anchor next to them when you are trying to catch someone?

Slick surface riding is the only useful attribute. If its slippery enough to use a sidecar, you should not be out riding in the first place.

OTH, the side car is a perfect place for the ash-hole lieutenant.

DCPD is a strange place anyway.

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(though it seems to come up a bit short in the comfortable saddle department)


Not at all, I had one in '63 the tractor seat was extremely comfortable, much like my DLS is now.


The passenger sitting on the box on the other hand. . . Life was so much simpler then.


That box accommodated 36 bottles of beer plus ice not that I ever tried it.

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The Harley police sidecar rigs in DC are used only for parades.
That makes sense... except it doesn't make any sense to own vehicles solely for that purpose...
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The Harley police sidecar rigs in DC are used only for parades.
That makes sense... except it doesn't make any sense to own vehicles solely for that purpose...

But then again, DC seems like a place where a lot of those parades happen for some reason.

Agree though, why should taxpayers foot the bill for a new $35,000 HD side hack that's only used in parades?

Wouldn't a 175cc Chinese rickshaw accomplish the same thing at considerably less cost?



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