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Brake bleed problem on 06 K1200GT


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Okay, so I've done a LOT of brake bleeds on RTs with servo brakes. I felt I could certainly handle the GT: No problem. Since I really couldn't find a good "How To" I even felt so confident that I'd make a little article for everyone like I did for the brake pad change way back when...


I just had to consult the RepRom to see which circuit was which nipple/reservoir and away I went.


Bled the control circuits pretty quick!


Then with my ministan full on the front reservoir, and caliper shimmed out, to the front we go!


Then it went to hell! The fluid in the reservoir didn't budge, but it was flowing out the wheel circuit just fine! Not a good combo! I tried several times, so I'm sure that I'm very close to pumping air soon, so I don't want to experiment any more!


Pictures are uploading while I type this so they will be up later...


Any help is appreciated, as the bike is all torn up and I need it to go to work tonight...


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Here is the ministan installed on the front wheel circuit reservoir:




And the module:




I did try bleeding the rear in case the RepRom was wrong on which reservoir was which, but it didn't matter. Neither wheel circuit drained the funnel.

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I don't have it here with me so I can't double-check, but doesn't the RepROM say that you need to use the diagnostic controller to put the brakes into some kind of service mode before bleeding? (apples only to the '05-'06 models.) I'm not certain but I believe I remember seeing something to that effect...

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Didn't see it anywhere, but I might have overlooked it amongst all the repetitive gobblygook! I'll take a look!




Edit: Seth, I couldn't find anywhere it mentioned it. Thanks though, and if you find something I missed, let me know.

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OK, I see what I was referring to, the 'Brake Bleed Test' described in section 51 ('Brakes, mechanical/hydraulic components') and also in the ABS modulator replacement procedure. The description of the procedure in the RepROM isn't very enlightening because it simply says to connect the BMW diagnostic equipment and 'follow the instructions on the screen.' But I'm not sure if the Brake Bleed Test is mandatory or just a check to verify that modulator bleeding was completed successfully. And in any event the procedure isn't mentioned during the steps of the bleed process, only afterwards, so it doesn't seem that it would cause the problem you're having. Sorry if I sent you on a goose chase...

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Sorry if I sent you on a goose chase...


I've been chasing geese since about 04:00, but you only had me look again for about 60 seconds! No worries at all, as I am baffled...

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That's really weird, and obviously I have no experience what so ever with the new K bikes but I'll try to put out some ideas out there to give some food for thought.


- When you pushed back the pads, did you notice fluid level going up in the reservoir at the ABS?

- Have you tried slowly pushing new fluid into to system from the caliper bleed nipple? Eventually the fluid should overflow somewhere...

- Did you take a peak at the control reservoirs? Has fluid level up at the lever changed at all?





P.S Years ago when I for the first time worked on the servo brakes of my late 1150RT I messed things up pretty darn good not knowing what I'm doing.

The beginning phases of that disaster resembled almost to the t what you Richard just described above... :dopeslap:

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Richard, keeping in mind that my GT is an 08 with ABS II and I have no experience with the 06, the RepRom says for the 06 integrated brakes:



Switch on the ignition.

Very gently pull the handbrake lever until the pump just starts up.

Open the bleed screw, while topping up the container with new brake fluid if necessary.

Pump out the brake fluid with virtually no pressure to begin with, then vary the brake pressure.

Continue pumping off brake fluid until it emerges clear and free from air bubbles.

Close the bleed screw.

Release the brake lever.



So it looks like you have to engage the pump to get flow from the reservoir.






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Thanks Bob,


I did that, so I'm just gonna give another run at it and go with some kind of vapor lock issue.


I'll let Y'all know if I figure out what the issue is. I'm not sure if I can work on it today, I just got home and Monday afternoons :P are rough!!! (It is all relative!)

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Thanks Mikko!


All valid points, and I haven't tried pushing fluid up from the caliper. I'm not sure I could though. I didn't look at the reservoir level before I pushed the pistons in, I should have I guess.


Control circuits are all good so far.


I'll just take another run at... (see above)

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Okay, problem solved!


My manual is wrong! These are just like all the other bikes with this module!


The front reservoir is the inboard one, and the rear is the outboard one! My manual shows the opposite, which is also the opposite of every one I had seen up to now, but I figured BMW couldn't stand to keep things standard, so they must have switched them! I mean why should they keep things standard?


Anyway, I'm not sure why the fluid level didn't seem to drop when I thought of this when the problem appeared the first time, but I gave it shot again since I was pretty much stuck anyway.


Thanks again for all the suggestions and help folks!!!

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