Jake Posted October 25, 2002 Posted October 25, 2002 I thought I'd throw some mud on your visors to see if it would stick, so here's some early thoughts on who could be doing what in prep for Un2: Sslisz - Registration Chairman Treasurer, leg-breaker, and hand-shaker. Stephen did such a bang-up job for us last year, that with him anchoring the rope, a good time is a lock. Brant Herbert - Techno Chairman Pollster, data organizer, website contributor, but most of all, Photographer. Good thing Brant is a nice guy, cuz he's sneakier than Rambo. You won't even know he's there, and your picture ends up on the USA Today. VentureVoodo - T-shirt Guru He must be crazy, but David knows voodoo. The T-shirt job can be a big one, but we've learned some lessons to make it go even better than last year. Let's discuss. Murrayg/Recourses - Route Chairmen Murray's got the knowledge, and David sure knows how to go. In addition to meeting our great people, our knack for finding that perfect route is what separates the UnRally from a mere rally. Mike Snodgrass - Breakfast Chairman Again, a veteran at this task. Mike, let me know if you need help on this one as I know your work/access situation. We'll still approach sponsors like last year, maybe include the previously discussed thoughts on catering it. You worked too hard at Gunny, but it sure was yum! James and Peter - OPEN You could throw your weight into the above, but there's big jobs left over, namely dinner chairman, which I did last year. Murray's proximity to ES is a big plus (do you eat Emmerson?), so I think it makes sense to share some of these tasks. We also will need some type of PA address system for morning announcements. Fire Chairman - now that's a job we weren't able to use last year due to the CO fire bans. If we're at the KOA, they usually can supply wood. We also will be interacting with the local big-wigs (Mayor's office/PD) which I'll be happy to do once we get a place and time nailed down. Any thoughts on having a kegger in the evenings? Many did a BYOB which I prefer, but there were a lot of bikes with a 6-pack bungied to the back seat as they came into camp at the end of the day's ride. 3 Nights/3 Dinners? Do we limit group dinners to less nights, allowing groups to explore on their own considering the many offerings at ES? If we designated a night or two as a "choose your own" then we'd likely have more participation for the group dinner(s). Keeping track of all members and their money for 3 nights would be cumbersome. eMCee? Has to be David B. He stopped a wise-cracking Gleno in his tracks - cold. Gawd, if I could witness something like that again! Thoughts? Do you accept? This envelope will self-destruct in....
Mjames Posted October 25, 2002 Posted October 25, 2002 James and Peter...You could throw your weight into the above... Well, I don't have as much weight as Peter (Sorry, Peter, just could not resist the set-up) but I'd love to throw all 170 lbs of my weight in with Voodoo and the T-Shirt effort. A couple of years ago I sold half million T-shirts to K-Mart, and regardless of what some say, it had nothing to do with their decline as a leading retailer. (Well, maybe the recall hurt just a little. ) I'd also be happy to make contact liason with the local "local bigwigs" and the liason with the police -- another area I have lots of experience with.
murrayg Posted October 25, 2002 Posted October 25, 2002 In reply to:Murray's got the knowledge In reply to: I smell a set up here. Ohh, I get it, if I pick lousey roads than everybody is miserable. I can't stand the pressure. IN, Baby and I Guarantee fun roads. Of course I'll do what David says. In reply to:(do you eat Emmerson?) In reply to: Pardon my vainty about this topic, but in the eating world, I'm Master Yoda.
Voodoo Posted October 25, 2002 Posted October 25, 2002 mjames said: but I'd love to throw all 170 lbs of my weight in with Voodoo and the T-Shirt effort Sounds good to me. between the two of us, I'm sure we can mess it up pretty good!
Mjames Posted October 25, 2002 Posted October 25, 2002 Sounds good to me. between the two of us, I'm sure we can mess it up pretty good! David, to save your marriage, I'm putting myself in charge of measuring all the women. Can you handle the rest?
David Posted October 25, 2002 Posted October 25, 2002 I would be most honored to serve with MurrayMyManG. We'll kick butt, and the rest of you committee chairpersons will look like you are standing still and pickin' your nose!
snod Posted October 26, 2002 Posted October 26, 2002 I will not be able to head-up the breakfast committee this year. I just won't have the time available in 03. (If the fall date happens, I probably won't be able to attend all 3 days.) I am honored that we did well enough in Gunnison to be asked back but I just don't have the resources available this next year. Thanks for the vote of confidence. I will help out wherever needed. I absolutely reccomend that we cater! The cost maybe a little steep? Jacki and I did the Gunny two days for about $475 total. Catering would probably cost that for each day? I think that Cycle Gadgets, would spring for a day, I am positive that Steve at CeeBailey would go for at least one day (maybe all 2-3?), and Jim Lawson of EZmount would probably help out again? I think Mark at BigMaK, and FB could be approached for additional funds if needed.
PeterScottNJ Posted October 26, 2002 Posted October 26, 2002 Jake, I've read your post several times during the day trying to figure out how I might participate and help and while I genuinely wish to help with UN2, I simply have no idea how to approach doing that. I guess I thought that someone, would need a worker-bee type person to assist them with various tasks they could identify. While I did not know this when I volunteered, it would seem that you need leaders not worker. If I've missed this point, I'll apologize for having wasted your time. If however, there is some area that needs a go-fer I'd still like to help. Let me know.
Jake Posted October 26, 2002 Author Posted October 26, 2002 Snod - Thanks for the feedback - no problem at all. I have a back-up plan/person regarding breakfast, so any lessons/advice you have for handling that task would be appreciated.
Jake Posted October 26, 2002 Author Posted October 26, 2002 Peter - The planning is still in it's infancy (were in day 4!) so there's sure to be "worker-bee" type assistance that is needed if you are still willing to help. For right now, the only time-sensitive task is to settle on a date - which is where my energies are focused. You, James, and Voodoo David also provide us with a presence of what I believe are higher profile members from the East, so even if there's no task that seems well-suited to you, I value your perspective and encourage you throw your .02 cents in to keep us in line. You mentioned in a PM the use of your conferencing services. As we get further into the planning I would imagine that could be very useful. Real direction will likely materialize next week after Yeeha! Stephen returns from his second recon trip. I am also planning on a ride down to ES this weekend to get the lay of the land, joining our pal and fearless leader Mr. Baker in that endeavor. So, it's early, and it's also entirely natural that we're feeling our way around in the dark for the moment. I appreciate everyone's willingness to help, and feel it's important that everyone enjoys their participation. This is not supposed to feel like homework, just fun.
PeterScottNJ Posted October 26, 2002 Posted October 26, 2002 You mean my pretty face may be useful, I've waited so long for this opportunity . OK, I don't feel so bad then. I'm available if/n/when someone can figure out how I can help, be more than happy to chip in. Like James, I have my own firm, so my time is my own. That give me some flexibility others might not have. I'd be happy to contribute the conference calling. I also have what is called a SameTime server. That means we could combine a conference call with web access to viewing a displayed information. For example, if you wanted to "show" routes, camping facilities, restraunts, etc. I can set up a SameTime meeting so someone can present to others. Another way this might be useful is smaller groups. If ANYONE in the UN2 group wishes to do a ST with someone in reference to this gathering, I'd be happy to set up a ST meeting. Just let me know.
Mjames Posted October 26, 2002 Posted October 26, 2002 After accepting Jake’s mission to help out in "interacting with the local big-wigs (Mayor’s Office/PD)…" Jake then suggested I poke around the city of Eureka Spring’s web site, as well as contact Recourses for a copy of the communications we sent to Gunnison "to get an idea of the unique BMWRT.com style." A little "poking" provided some interesting information about Eureka Springs, such as their Police Department boasts ten full-time "sworn" police officers, two reserve officers, five emergency 911 dispatchers, an animal control officer and two non-sworn (or is it non-swearing ) traffic officers. Thinking this could be a spirited biker rally, my first instinct was to contact the animal control officer -- but then realized, this was after all a BMW UnRally. Of serious interest was their Visitor’s Bureau. Apparently it is quite active and very involved in marketing and promoting Eureka Springs as a tourist destination. And since the bureau also oversees special events, I thought this might be a good place to start. With the approval then of the powers that be, my plan is to put together a simple introductory packet, and then make preliminary contacts with the Visitor’s Bureau as soon as we come up with a firm date for the UnRally. In the meantime, any feedback from the Gunnison "old hands" would be helpful, especially concerning contacts with the town, police and press, including any written materials that were sent. If possible, what also might be a good idea, is to solicit a few letters of recommendation/introduction from the Gunnison police department to help smooth our way into town. This could be part of the introductory packet. Since I am acting from afar, some of the follow-up contact work might be better done in person from someone more local. This is just an attempt to get things moving. Voodoo – If you want to expand a little beyond T-shirts, I have also downloaded the Eureka Spring’s Banner Permit Application form from their website. If I remember correctly, I think I saw a picture of a banner at Gunnison.
David Posted October 26, 2002 Posted October 26, 2002 Here's the letter I penned. Fernando has a hand in it, too. To the Honorable John W. Suthers, We’re BMW motorcycle riders. Our ranks run the range from federal prosecutors to corporate professionals to blue collar workers, and also include a number of law enforcement officers (our favorites, as they usually have the best stories to tell). We’re an internet group (www.bmwrt.com—please log on and take a look, especially the link to the “*&^%” section). We are holding our first ever rally so that we can meet each other and put faces with the names of the people we’ve been writing to for these past few years (while we have 2,600 members, it looks like only about 140-150 will make it to Gunnison). We’ve been working with the Gunnison Chamber of Commerce to hold the event there on July 22-23 and the cooperation has been wonderful. Our rally will consist of a couple of group breakfasts, a big pizza dinner, and some time spent riding in the beautiful Rockies. No other events are planned. Just those that help us all to get to know each other. As is typical of our gatherings, many of us will bring our wives. We understand that the *&^%’s Angels will be holding a national meeting in Gunnison the weekend after we are there. As you may already be aware, they are different from us, and we from them. We simply want to invite you to come out to our event (the HQ will be at the KOA campground although we have close to a hundred rooms booked in town) and meet us, get to know us, and share some pizza in the evening or coffee in the morning. Otherwise, our BMW motorcycles are so quiet, you might not even know we’re around. We would also like to make sure that the law enforcement officers under your supervision are aware that they are also welcome (just bring some good stories to tell around the campfire). I’ll follow up by phone later this week with specifics to see if you might join us. Finally, we appreciate the open arms with which the CoC and the people of Gunnison have embraced us and our group. And if there’s anything we can do to make our stay in Gunnison better for them and easier for you, please let us know. My connection with this group is simply the “owner” of the web site around which we gather electronically. I fund it purely from personal funds, and no profit is involved. If I can answer any questions for you, please contact me at my office (615/831-2277), home (615/831-1020), or cell (615/714-1020). I’ll be leaving Nashville to ride to Gunnison Thursday morning (18th), and will arrive Sunday early afternoon. I’ll be staying at the Ramada Inn. And my email address is david@recourses.com. color=blue> And here is the list of people I contacted: Sheriff Richard L. Murdie, Gunnison County Sheriff 970/641-1113 970/641-8532 Hon. John W. Suthers, United States Attorney, District of Colorado 303/454-0100 303/454-0400 Special Agent in Charge Mark J. Mershon 303/629-7171 303/629-7171 Mark Collins, City Manager 970/641-8080 970/641-8051 Jim Keehne, Gunnison Chief of Police 970/641-8250 970/641-8051 Tammy Scott, Gunnison Chamber 970/641-1501 970/641-3467 Chris Dickey, Editor, Gunnison Times 970/641-1414 970/641-6515color=red> I include that list just to get you started about who could be on the list (some of these were there because of the *&^%'s Angel's connection, but wouldn't need to be for this one). About a week after I sent the letter, I called each of them up, and spoke with nearly all of them. And then one week before the event, I called them again and reminded them that we'd like to have them at our opening "ceremony." We should have an extra t-shirt or two for visitors. Let me know if you want anything else. (Michael, email is easier for me than private messages.)
PeterScottNJ Posted October 27, 2002 Posted October 27, 2002 great information from both you and Michael. Great approach to the city, wonderful letter. Once those things get started, I see that they will simply start a process that will in fact take you where ever you need to go, opening doors along the way. I'm beginning to see how this is done. Now I have a plan. This year I'll be everyone's grip, and next year I may have gained enough experience to offer more.
Voodoo Posted October 28, 2002 Posted October 28, 2002 mjames said: Voodoo – If you want to expand a little beyond T-shirts, I have also downloaded the Eureka Spring’s Banner Permit Application form from their website. If I remember correctly, I think I saw a picture of a banner at Gunnison. Thank you for calling, you have reached: Banners-R-Us!
Mjames Posted October 28, 2002 Posted October 28, 2002 Thank you for calling, you have reached: Banners-R-Us! Yes, just think BIGcolor=blue> T-shirt without the collar and arm holes.
Jake Posted November 5, 2002 Author Posted November 5, 2002 Michael - One thing that struck me in ES is that they are no strangers to having large motorcycle groups in town. Regarding our PR efforts, it seems appropriate to the occasion that we throttle way back in comparison to our Gunnison intro. Remember, the key to our communication effort there was to distinguish ourselves from the HA, and to let them know to expect us. Eureka Springs is situated amidst plenty of other small towns each with their own LEO's. While some form of diplomatic communication is always a good idea, we won't even be a blip on their radar. Just a thought!
Mjames Posted November 5, 2002 Posted November 5, 2002 Regarding our PR efforts, it seems appropriate to the occasion that we throttle way back in comparison to our Gunnison intro What I had outlined above, was more of a "throttle up" but I see your point and I'm more than happy to do less. --maybe just a little research with the the visitor's bureau ..never know what you come up with that we can incorporate in our plans. Then let you or David send out last year's letter, with follow-up calls if you think it necessary. After all, I will need time and energy for my t-shirt brain storming sessions with Voodoo. Right now, we're kinda stuck -- just can't seem to make up our minds whether the naked girl on the shirt is a blonde or a brunnette...committee input on this issue is welcome.
PhillyFlash Posted November 5, 2002 Posted November 5, 2002 In reply to: Right now, we're kinda stuck -- just can't seem to make up our minds whether the naked girl on the shirt is a blonde or a brunnette...committee input on this issue is welcome. Why limit it to either/or?
PeterScottNJ Posted November 6, 2002 Posted November 6, 2002 ............................ I had to delete this whole message, but you guys have my mind running wild with possibilities. Huuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmm .............
Mjames Posted November 6, 2002 Posted November 6, 2002 re: I had to delete this whole message Now, now, don't hold back Peter...this is breast ...I mean brain storming...
Kathy R Posted November 6, 2002 Posted November 6, 2002 I mean brain stormingcolor=red> On that note, hi guys. I'm the breakfast wench. I am ready to go back to Eureka Springs RIGHT NOW! I think I counted 3 straightaways in 3 days. This is going to be so much fun!
Mjames Posted November 6, 2002 Posted November 6, 2002 On that note, hi guys. I'm the breakfast wench. HEY...who let the lady in here!!! Next time give me some advance warning so I can get my clothes on.
Voodoo Posted November 6, 2002 Posted November 6, 2002 mjames said: Next time give me some advance warning so I can get my clothes on. I thought you were wearing a coat...I guess it's time to shave the old back again, huh?
Mjames Posted November 6, 2002 Posted November 6, 2002 I guess it's time to shave the old back again, huh But I'm waiting for your help...you did such a good job last time.
PhillyFlash Posted November 7, 2002 Posted November 7, 2002 I guess this means we have to stop all the Paperbutt jokes. Thanks for deleting them Jake. Oh, yeah, yours was pretty funny, but tasteless. Good thing she won't be able to read it.
Kathy R Posted November 7, 2002 Posted November 7, 2002 I'm all caught up with all yer yaking gentlemen. I'm working on the breakfast menu options and prices. I'll talk to the boss and yak at y'all. Then I'll work on the donors. I am dying to post a Drive Tale. Y'all missed some fun! Emerson - It was terrific to see you again. You are soooo lucky to have that area to call home. David - I smoked your ceegars! Whoops! mjames - I'll avert my eyes at the appropriate moments.
David Posted November 7, 2002 Posted November 7, 2002 Murray, have you been gettin' my emails about coordinating our work on the routes? Just want to make sure I'm using the right address.
murrayg Posted November 7, 2002 Posted November 7, 2002 David: My home e-mail is down. Use my work e-mail EGoodwin@ccfound.org. My cell number is 1-479-531-6561, wk. 927-0970 and home 464-7820 same area code on both as the cell.
David Posted November 11, 2002 Posted November 11, 2002 Michael, I found that article you were asking about earlier, here.
Mjames Posted November 11, 2002 Posted November 11, 2002 Thanks David. Might be something nice to include with the letter to the police chief. Keeping in mind Jake's thought that Eureka Springs is already biker savvy, this could work in lieu of the letters of recommendation from Gunnison police/politicos we talked about earlier.
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