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Tire Disposal


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I’m looking into changing my own tires for convenience, and am wondering how to dispose of the old tires. Besides tire swings and lawn art, what do you do with your old tires?


mine get picked up at the curb on trash day. I guess it depends on the area you live in, but after checking with my local boro office....I found out that I can put up to two tires out per pickup day.

Joe Frickin' Friday

My local automotive tire shop accepts used tires for disposal for a fee of $3 each.


We pay the $3.00 fee for disposal when we buy new tires. We can drop off any amount of old tires at any place that sells tires. YMMV.


I put mine in the trash.


Thanks for the replies. I guess it depends on where you live. I'll ask around locally and see if tire dealers or a recycler will take them.


I used to give them away to my friend's Kendo Students for Bokken practice.


Now I go behind the local Discount Tire ro Wall Mart and toss'em on top of their pile. They sell them to recyclers.


I'd try a different tire supplier if I were you, they seem to be double dipping, unless the laws on the matter are that different between States.


Our local dump recycles them. $5 each I think. Easy.

skinny_tom (aka boney)

And if you take them to the dealer, pay the recycle fee and toss them over the rail into the tire pen, it's a few dollar's cheaper.


The goodyear tire store down the street from me lets me toss mine on his pile for free.


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