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Top Case painting help...


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Quick question... I'm planning on painting my BMW 49L top case from the standard silver to the "faster color" of Piedmont Red to match my bike. Does anyone out there know if the lid portion of the top case comes apart. I want to seperate the black inside portion from the silver outside portion of the lid in order to make painting it easier. I'm planning on using the ColorRite system for my paint.


If anyone has painted their top case themselves and has any suggestions or hints, I'll be happy to read them.




The inside black part does not come apart from the top lid. You will need to mask around the hindges on the top lid. The BMW emblem will come right off with a little heat and dental floss. Be sure and pull easy on the emble as there are two protusions in the back to line up the emble.


I also used the ColorRite piedmont red and clear coat on my case top 2 seasons ago. Very happy with the results. You should check the search function for more tips. I used a Popsicle stick to remove the BMW emblem. Just follow the instructions to the letter.Davegrandvall.jpg


That looks very nice Dave, thanks for posting the pic. I have the same color and I like the look. Count me in...


looks great!! (for a red bike) :)


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