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Crazy fall yesterday afternoon


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Yesterday afternoon, I was in the yard working on cleaning up when I slipped and and tried to catch myself on my hanging chair. The chair gave way and I ended up on my tush bruising my tail bone on a planter. I got up and almost blacked out from the pain and thought maybe I had hit my head cause it sure felt like a concussion. I managed to get into the house and stayed on the couch till about 9pm. Diane came back to the house and helped me to get to bed. I am really lucky that she was around to help me.


The pain is less this morning but walking any distance kills. Sitting in my office chair, I almost don't feel any discomfort and no pain but getting up is not pleasant. It is most likely a bruise but I am going to the Doc later on.


Sometimes the simplist things can be the most dangerous. Bottom line, I am never cleaning my yard again. It is just too painful :)






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Bottom line, I am never cleaning my yard again. It is just too painful :)


Ouch! I hope you're ok, and a trip to the doc is probably a good thing just to be safe.


Let us know how things turn out in the end. :thumbsup:


(oops...sorry. That should be in the procto humor post)


Be Well!

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Yesterday afternoon, I was in the yard working on cleaning up when I slipped and and tried to catch myself on my hanging chair. The chair gave way and I ended up on my tush bruising my tail bone on a planter. I got up and almost blacked out from the pain and thought maybe I had hit my head cause it sure felt like a concussion. I managed to get into the house and stayed on the couch till about 9pm. Diane came back to the house and helped me to get to bed. I am really lucky that she was around to help me.


The pain is less this morning but walking any distance kills. Sitting in my office chair, I almost don't feel any discomfort and no pain but getting up is not pleasant. It is most likely a bruise but I am going to the Doc later on.


Sometimes the simplist things can be the most dangerous. Bottom line, I am never cleaning my yard again. It is just too painful :)


This is wonderful news, as surely you will now have time to get those Torrey pics up!


Oh, sorry. I guess that was bit selfish of me. Jeez Tom, be careful out there, ok!


Last time I thought I'd hit my head and I hadn't it was shingles. Now there's a nasty surprise.


Hope you get over it soon.



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Lemme get this straight... You hit your tailbone but (pun intended?) thought you hit your head?


Just checking. :)


Well, I'm glad you're OK. You know, in the end.

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This is exactly why I refuse to get out of bed in the mornings. It's just not safe out there.


(Not that my refusal has any bearing whatsoever on what actually transpires.)


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...I ended up on my tush ...thought I had hit my head...



I can think of a few board members this scenario could apply to. :grin:


Sorry about your chair.




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Wow! That sounded like something I would do! Or did do. A very long time ago I broke my coccyx (tailbone). Pain was excruciating and, I'm sorry to say, took a very long time to heal. I couldn't sit without pain for many months (as I recall). And I was a kid when it happened (though certainly a wuss).


A diagnosis would be good for the obvious reasons but a prognosis would certainly help you to plan if you have rides coming up.


I hope it's just a bad bruise ... but no matter what I hope you heal quickly.

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What a pain in the a.......!!!


Whip, I got it!!!! Tom, that's Diane's job.


(ducking, running, cover, concealment, HIDE!!!!!!!!!!)

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...I ended up on my tush ... and thought maybe I had hit my head...

Butthead, I'm glad you are doing fine. :grin:


BTW, I know about those tailbone injuries. The pain can be excruciating because of all the nerves. But don't worry, by the year 3000AD, we would have evolved away that pesky tailbone and replaced it with a millenium compliant mobile antenna.

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Just a few hours ago, I was up on a 6' ladder with pole trimmer extended to trim Birch tree limbs overhanging my house (recent wind and fires convinced me it's overdue). At that point I realized the task was larger than imagined and my simple tools inadequate. Today is my 1st Official Day of Retirement after being tagged last Friday in the latest round of tech sector downsizing. Risk of getting hurt is not a good way to start the next chapter in my life, so I'm calling "Juan the Tree Trimmer" this afternoon. :wave:



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Hmmmmmm some morphine would have helped. That is crazy stuff there Tommy. When my daughter was about 12 I snuck up behind her to pick her up and OW!!!!! My back hurt so bad I had to go to the ER and was in traction for 10 days! Bottom line is a slipped disc over some crazy little thing. Every now and then a hair washing, bending over etc. reminds me of that pain as it returns for a few days at a time. Yes, it is always the little things that get ya! Get better so we can have some brats!

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Just a few hours ago, I was up on a 6' ladder with pole trimmer extended to trim Birch tree limbs overhanging my house (recent wind and fires convinced me it's overdue). At that point I realized the task was larger than imagined and my simple tools inadequate. Today is my 1st Official Day of Retirement after being tagged last Friday in the latest round of tech sector downsizing. Risk of getting hurt is not a good way to start the next chapter in my life, so I'm calling "Juan the Tree Trimmer" this afternoon. :wave:


Somehow I feel you are lucky. I have to climb a 32'(or is it 40'?) ladder to cut dead oak branches hovering at least 30'-60' over the house and kids' playset. And having been on and off in "retirement" for the past 5 years, I have no choice but to risk it myself or spend $1500/day for arborists.

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Sorry to hear about your mishap and I hope its just a bruised bum. I'm sure Liam, Jesus and Diane will take good care of you.


Hey! One of those cats didn't run under your feet and trip you, did they? :grin:


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Sorry to hear about your mishap and I hope its just a bruised bum. I'm sure Liam, Jesus and Diane will take good care of you.


Hey! One of those ALLERGENS didn't run under your feet and trip you, did they? :grin:


There, fixed it for you! :grin:

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Get better so we can have some brats!


I'm not sure that you two having children together will make Tom feel any better. :grin:


The fall is a bum deal Tommy! Hope you're okay.

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Sorry to hear about your mishap and I hope its just a bruised bum. I'm sure Liam, Jesus and Diane will take good care of you.


Hey! One of those cats didn't run under your feet and trip you, did they? :grin:

On that same note, Jacqueline wasn't in the area, was she??? :eek:

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Lemme get this straight... You hit your tailbone but (pun intended?) thought you hit your head?


Just checking.


Worst case of rectal / cranial inversion I've heard of.... :grin:


Take care Mi Amigo! Sounds like time for some LR work in a nice soft chair!


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Dang Tom, Probably knocked something out of wack,

Maybe have a good Chiropractor check your back out after the doctor looks at it.


Hope your feeling better, I'm not even gonna risk cleaning up my yard :/

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Dang Amigo,


I hope all is well after a quick check with the doc...


Take care of yourself, and I do have to admit, I lost track of my SO for a few hours...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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One word, contrecoup.

In all seriousness, get checked out.



I've had several closed head injuries and it isn't a requirement that the skull be struck.

Any impact that transfers through your body and has a sudden stop involved, whiplash for example, can cause head injury to occur.

Best wishes.


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I've had several closed head injuries...



And NOW it all becomes clear! :dopeslap:


It's why I'm such a PITA. :grin:

Sort of a contracontrecoup. :/


Rich, ironic but sometimes true.

Brain injuries and closed head trauma don't always result in proportion to the apparent injury.

With concussion, a person who is "knocked out" usually recovers faster and more completely than someone who remains conscious after a head trauma.



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How you feeling today Tom? I'm a little concerned that you haven't posted since this thread started. Check-in, ok amigo?




I called Tom's cell phone today. Got voice mail. No response yet. Call me offically worried.



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How you feeling today Tom? I'm a little concerned that you haven't posted since this thread started. Check-in, ok amigo?




I called Tom's cell phone today. Got voice mail. No response yet. Call me offically worried.



He's ok. He responded to a PM. Just working hard.

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I just read your original post Tom, and hope your discomfort is minimal and of short duration..


As for the 5 pages of replies...dang!!! I sure hope you weren't looking to this group for sympathy!

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Hey, the

I sure hope you weren't looking to this group for sympathy!
The guy stabbed me with an icicle. It's all fair now. :)


(Though I must admit, I hope the accident didn't affect his ability to conjure up a prime rib...)

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I am alive but it appears that I now have a small 2nd crack. The joys of getting old. I am fine with managing the pain except the 16 steps in my house are now officially listed on the UN torture device list.


Thanks all for your "thoughts"



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...dang!!! I sure hope you weren't looking to this group for sympathy!


I've never met Tom, except through the board... and I like him.

Sincerest wishes on a quick recovery.


Imagine how you'd be treated if you WEREN'T liked! :grin:

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... I now have a small 2nd crack.




That is not an image I needed in my head, and for the LOVE of GOD and all that is holy or righteous don't let Tallman see this thread!!!

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Imagine how you'd be treated if you WEREN'T liked! :grin:


He'd end up with a wig photoshopped on his head...

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Imagine how you'd be treated if you WEREN'T liked! :grin:


He'd end up with a wig photoshopped on his head...


Richard, you know we love you.


Not in a 2nd crack sort of way, but we love you. :/

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Imagine how you'd be treated if you WEREN'T liked! :grin:


He'd end up with a wig photoshopped on his head...


Richard, you know we love you.



Yes....we know....








Tom I'm glad you are okay :thumbsup:.

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