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cat odor


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On my 2001 R1100S, I have begun to notice an odor in the garage after I have ridden the bike back from work, appox 4 miles. It is sulphur-like odor and I am wondering if it is from the bike's catalytic converter. If so, is that a problem? The bike has around 17k miles and is driven daily. Seems to run ok, but I don't want to cook a valve due to a clogged cat. I have had the bike for a few years and the odor seeems to come and go, just seems stronger now. Any solutions or ideas? Thanks for your input!

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On my 2001 R1100S, I have begun to notice an odor in the garage after I have ridden the bike back from work, appox 4 miles. It is sulphur-like odor and I am wondering if it is from the bike's catalytic converter. If so, is that a problem? The bike has around 17k miles and is driven daily. Seems to run ok, but I don't want to cook a valve due to a clogged cat. I have had the bike for a few years and the odor seeems to come and go, just seems stronger now. Any solutions or ideas? Thanks for your input!


Kevin, if it’s a fuel problem then see Ed’s post.. You might also look closely at the top of your cat. & around the exhaust for signs of gear oil from the trans or final drive.. Maybe in the front of drive shaft for a trans seal leaking gear oil..


Gear oil contains lots of sulfur type compound so gives off a distinctive smell when on a hot exhaust..



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Ditto on the trans lube dripping on the exhaust. One drop makes a lot of stink.

I'm also relieved this isn't about a feline "marking" your bike. That would be "Adios Gato"! eek.gifeek.gif

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I'm also relieved this isn't about a feline "marking" your bike. That would be "Adios Gato"! eek.gifeek.gif


More like "Adios Gato muerto". You were thinking the same as me on that one grin.gif What wasn't so funny is the 3 scratches on my Aeroflow where a "gato" got into my garage and tried climbing the windscreen while losing traction... eek.gif

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Try changing your gasoline brand/source for a bit and see if it goes away.


+1. Different fuel mixes effect cat odors......Some seem to take longer to "Light" the cat, allowing

the stink to continue longer. Also, riding in the wet can cause some distinct odors that you wouldn't get without a cat.

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