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Long Way Down


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Anyone know of a reliable US source for Ewan and Charlie's latest movie, "The Long Way Down"? Amazon has a copy available from a college student in Texas but the $102.97 price seems, ahem, a tad high ($99.90 + 2.98 shipping).

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Same here. Directly from the LWD web site. A little pricier than from Amazon, but they'll send the right Region to the US.


Is it just me or do they seem to be "whinier" than in the LWR? Seems their planning (timing) was bad this time 'round?!

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On a somewhat related topic.....Amazon.com.


No axe to grind here, but an article in this months BMWOA mag got my interest. Tried to find a copy of "Traveler's Guide to the Great Sioux War". One copy on Amazon for $125.00. Found a copy elsewhere for $10.95. Now don't get m wrong, but that seemed like excessive profit. lmao.gif

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I think that you're right - they do seem to be inclined to complain and winge about how hard their lives are in this one. The bottom line is that they got their planning wrong on certain stages and didn't have enough time for parts of the trip.

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Just order direct form the Long Way Down website. I got mine from there and it was pain free.




I suspect there will be no North American source for new versions of the DVD unless/until the series runs on TV here.

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