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R1200RT Turn Signal Bulbs


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Can anyone confirm that the REAR turn signal bulbs are 1156? They should be, but my bike is all tucked into the corner of the garage and covered. It would be a PITA to get at the bulbs.




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If you have the yellow indicator lens then the bulb is a P21W(1156), if you have the clear lens then a PY21W. A 1156ORG will not work, the lugs are not correct. If you have the clear lens, then you can get some real cool bulbs that Osram makes, they look silver/blueish but light up amber, eliminates that fryed egg look. see att.


PS; the one on the left is amber middle is stock and right is red.




PPS; these are legal, BMW uses them on there cars as does Land rover, they are hard to find other than at the dealer and they are spendy, ambers are 15 each and red are 50 each!!!


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Thanks Earl.. exactly what I was looking for.


I've got the Osrams in the front already (I took them out of my k-bike when I sold it) I have the clear lens kit on the RT and the Osrams *really* look nice. They are kind hard to find and I wanted to try these from DDM Tuning. I'm about to order an HID kit and thought I would try their silver / Amber light for 15 bucks (I think I paid 19 for the Osrams from Pirates K12 site, but they were brand new on the market then)


DDM Tuning Silver Bulbs

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