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I used my E meter from Lron and it checked ok. I do intend to get a new minihoonie bell to hang from the frame in a higher location to keep the rogue frequencies from interfering with my frustrate valve and udder inner outer organs .

Thanks for keeping us up on the latest scientific discoveries. I only recently found that death terminates life permanently. Quite an eye closer that. dopeslap.gif

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The fact that there is nothing whatsoever in a motorcycle that can possibly emit "Extra Low Frequency" radiation, is a minor technical detail, as is the fact that no authoritative body as proven any link between ELF and cancer.


He must have his fingers crossed that the old adage of a sucker born every minute is true!


Interesting that as a Canadian, he was apparently unable to secure either a Canadian or a US patent on this gimick. I wonder why? lmao.gif

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That's a total rip-off. What nonsense!


Everybody knows a few cents worth of aluminum foil in your shorts will do the same thing.


Some fools will buy anything.



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Reminds me of this song by Joe Jackson:



Everything gives you cancer


Everything gives you cancer

There's no cure, there's no answer

Everything gives you cancer


Don't touch that dial

Don't try to smile

Just take this pill

It's in your file


Don't work hard

Don't play hard

Don't plan for the graveyard

Remember -



Everything gives you cancer


Everything gives you cancer

There's no cure, there's no answer

Everything gives you cancer


Don't work by night

Don't sleep by day

You'll feel all right

But you will pay


No caffeine

No protein

No booze or


Remember -

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Love the pic.


One of the most memorable hearings I held as an administrative law judge was the one where the claimant testified that she was telepathic "even without aluminum foil."



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Thanks for the head's up, so to speak... lmao.gif


Good thing we don't have any other devices in our lives which create strong EMF. You know things like electric ranges, ovens, dishwashers, CRT's, electric heaters, blow dryers, electric car motors, etc. etc. dopeslap.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

We should not miss the point here. If your motorcycle is pushing up

to 500 mG of ELF EMF radiation into your groin then there is reason

for health concern. Page 2 of the motorcyclecancer site presents

facts that cannot be ignored. Riding is dangerous enough and we

should not have to gamble with our health on this technical level

also. Cancers are becoming an epidemic and ELF EMF radiation is

emerging as a recognized carcinogen. To quote the site:


Individual responsibility leads to content accountability. Science

proves electromagnetic danger. Now that a type of motorcycle ELF EMF

has been exposed, I hope denial is not going to be considered as a



Ultimately the choice is our own to become more educated about these

EMF issues.


As for governments and industry keeping people in the dark about

emerging EMF health issues, I would like to quote the site again:


Many experts believe existing government regulations are extremely

inadequate concerning various EM close exposures and public safety.

Unfortunately this can create a false sense of well being for

different industries that claim compliance to government standards.

Where does that leave the consumer?


I feel that this Chipkar guy is bang on target and time will prove

him correct.

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I feel that this Chipkar guy is bang on target and time will prove him correct.
I agree time will tell. But motorcycles aren't new and I have not heard of any increased incidence of TC or other cancers in the groin of motorcyclists. Currently there is much concern about TC and other male reproductive disorders with cyclists, but again there is inconclusive evidence.


Before becoming concerned I would first measure the EMF in the vicinity of the seat and other areas of the bike. If nothing else I would be interesting to map out the EMF "hot spots" on various bikes. I'd expect the plug wires to have high EMF, but the 12V electrical system under the seat should produce little EMF - but again this is pure speculation and conjecture.

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Speaking as a specialist engineer in the field of electronic warfare, electromagnetic emissions are a speciality of mine. All of the "technical" information on that site is utter garbage.



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We should not miss the point here... <snip> ...I feel that this Chipkar guy is bang on target and time will prove

him correct.


Hi Mr. Chipkar! wave.gif

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We should not miss the point here. If your motorcycle is pushing up to 500 mG of ELF EMF radiation into your groin then there is reason for health concern.

Well, it ISN'T! There is no source of ELF in a motorcycle. You need more than some flake claiming there is ELF (very low frequency radiated energy) generated by a motorcycle. What components can possibly generate it? There are none. Thers is nots of high frequency nose generated but nothing in the ELF class. More to the point, where is the statistical evidence that there is a problem here? A statistical connection between the diseases claimed, and motorcyle riding.


One other minor technical detail. Even if such ELF radiation exists, the extreme low frequency nature of it means that you would need a metal shield many times larger than the bike to protect you. This guy seems ignorant of the basic principles of low frequency electromagnetic shielding. dopeslap.gif

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Speaking as a specialist engineer in the field of electronic warfare, electromagnetic emissions are a speciality of mine. All of the "technical" information on that site is utter garbage.



You said it better and in a more concise way than I did. thumbsup.gif

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Speaking as a specialist engineer in the field of electronic warfare, electromagnetic emissions are a speciality of mine. All of the "technical" information on that site is utter garbage.




So, do you feel I can stop wearing my lead-lined underwear?

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Speaking as a specialist engineer in the field of electronic warfare, electromagnetic emissions are a speciality of mine. All of the "technical" information on that site is utter garbage.




So, do you feel I can stop wearing my lead-lined underwear?


Oh no, you need that to avoid the attentions of space aliens.



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