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Rider's family sued for damages?


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Dave McReynolds

Seems like a mess, doesn't it?


If you had a wreck with another car and the other car was at fault, you would expect to collect from their insurance or might sue them for your damages.


I suppose the same thing applies if you have a wreck with a bicycle. If the bicycle was at fault, and it caused damages to your car, you would expect to collect.


I know there have been times when I have been driving down a dark street and only notice a bicycle as I'm passing it, too late to do anything other than shudder at the possibilities.


I have no idea what the law here is on that, let alone in Spain, but I know there have been times that the only reason I've avoided hitting a cyclist is that he was well over to the side of the road and I was well to the middle. Cyclists should have adequate lights and reflective clothes if they're going to ride at night.

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Dave McReynolds

It said no criminal charges were filed. Maybe Spain is similar to the US, in that speeding is an infraction rather than a crime.


I suppose it could be that there is negligence both ways: the driver for speeding and the rider for being invisible.

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