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California Scientific w/s is amazing!!


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Even though it was 25 degrees, I had to see if the California Scientific w/s was worth the money. Bottom line is it's fantastic!


I'm 5'8" with a 29/30" inseam. I have the BMW low seat that's warped into the configiation BMW should have provided -- front high, rear lowest wit bump rubber removed. I can get the balls of my feet slidly on the ground.


I have never, not on any motorcycle, been able to ride without earplugs until now. At 60 mph, it's comfortable and no buffeting.


One oddity of the temps was that the w/s turned a distinct light blue that actually blocked vision a bit when looking through the plaistic. Mark tells me that that's a temperature phnomenon that disappears over 40 degrees. Even if it did not, the wind control is just too good to give up.


Yes, the edges are a bit sharp, but not enough to even bother with.


It's really great when a product works as advertized!!!

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I concur, the CalSci shield is amazing. I experience very little wind noise and now find that the road noise of my tires is louder. Phenomenal wind protection as well. I am 5'11" and ordered the medium. I see over it easily and some wind lightly touched the top of my helmet. thumbsup.gif

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The more I read on here about these screens, the more I’m tempted…


It wouldn’t take much work to smooth the edges of the screen if you wanted, in the UK I'd use what we call Wet & Dry paper (silicone carbide abrasive paper), it’s the same stuff paint spraying guys use to smooth the paint before spraying. Just be sure to mask both sides of the screen before starting because one slip and it will be properly scratched.

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I am really tempted with this screen. I bought the Ztechnic, and although it is better than the BMW screen it is still noisy, and when it is raised - the whole bike gets buffeted. Screens are difficult to buy in the UK at the best of times, but paying out for something which doesnt suit is expensive and time consuming.


The only thing about the Cal Sci which is stopping me buying one (if its available in the UK) is the bottom of the screen looks 'odd'. ?

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I bought the large Calsci screen for my R12RT and it made a huge difference. I'm 6ft and with the Shoei RF1000 I no longer need ear plugs. It is really quiet and comfortable. I now can enjoy the Autocom helmet speakers. As for the edges, I just took a file and broke the sharp edges, took about two minutes.

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...."The only thing about the Cal Sci which is stopping me buying one (if its available in the UK) is the bottom of the screen looks 'odd'."


Totally agree. Despite all the glowing reports from users, the bottom is totally out of sync with the lines of the bike. I can't get past that.

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Paul: I am interested in your low seat, You indicated it had been warped for a better fit. How was it warped? I have a low seat and have removed the rubber bumpers, Does the "warp" cause a narrower seat?


Thanks, Wayne currently in Mesa AZ

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Yes, it looks odd, maybe even odder in true life -- but the wind control is positively the best! For that, I'll take a bit of odd/ugly. Sometimes the prettiest girl at the dance doesn't make the best/long-term wife.

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The only thing about the Cal Sci which is stopping me buying one (if its available in the UK) is the bottom of the screen looks 'odd'. ?
We all see with different eyes. Some don't like the hole in the screen and others don't like the cut off bottom portion. I hardly notice either of those any more. It looks perfectly OK to me. I am a little concerned about the odd color shifts that some have reported, and that I also notice at times. In certain lights and from certain angles, the plastic does have a tint. But when I am riding and looking around and through the shield, I don't generally notice. I used 600 wet or dry to correct the supplier's lack of attention to the sharp and irregular edges. That took me about thirty minutes.
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When I did the testing for CalSci I just about choked when I pulled the first prototype out of the box. By version #4 we got it looking much better AND working properly. The final version is not "good" looking to me, perhaps because prototype #1 looked so funny. I look at the pictures I took of my bike with the final production shield for their website and think that I should figure out a way to take some that make it look better. My bike looks way better than it does in those pictures. If they don't stop you from buying one, you will be happy with the real thing.


Funny thing is, I have never had anyone comment negatively about it in person. I have been in groups of RT riders and virtually nobody has even noticed. My conclusion is that it doesn't look as good as stock but it isn't bad looking. AND it is beautiful from a riding standpoint!


I have only noticed the color shift on one VERY cold day but then I am in Southern California. It wasn't objectionable and I might not have even thought much about it if I hadn't read a comment from someone else first.

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At the end of the day, you can’t beat a product that has been properly developed, rather than ‘Hey, lets just make it bigger, that’ll work!’ that’s why the screen looks the way it does, and if it makes my riding a quieter experience than that’s the way I’ll go.


Thanks for you input with this Greg, it was your original post that raised my interest.

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Two questions:


Can you post pictures of the windscreen?


Are you up for a visit from a fellow short guy to let me sit on your bike and see how it looks/feels (the seat mod)?


I'm not that far away in Maryland.

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Here's two pics of the screen. Like the protection and shape of the screen. The hesitation... there's a slight lavender/opaqueness to the screen from certain angles - not as clear as the stock screen. Not very noticeable from these images, but you can get a feel for the appearance...





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Beautiful bike! Except for the black engine fairing, it looks just like mine...


So, are there any comments yet on this shield regarding passenger coverage? Also, if you're 6'2" (33 inseam) and you like your entire helmet in free air with the screen all the way down, which size do you get?

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I'm 5'-9", have the med. shield, low seat and with the shield down there's good ventilation. The shape really does smooth the air flow, so you don't mind the wind, (no buffeting). The design also gets away from the back pressure with the shield up and provides a nice pocket of calm, dry air on the hiway and in the rain.

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Hey Paul can you describe exactly how you changed the seat position to lower it at the back. It isn't obvious from the (beautiful) pictures you posted.

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Regarding "passenger comfort". I'm about 5' 10" with a 32" inseam. The little lady is about 5' 8". We both wear Nolan 3/4 helmets. With the stock shield, I felt a lot of back pressure and for her, the air seemed to collapse right on her and caused her some neck pain as the air threw her helmet around and tried to peel it off of her head. With the medium height CalSci windshield, I no longer experience any back pressure and she says that there is no longer any buffetting on her helmet. We're both happy with the change.

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OK, I can report now. Just went for a 20 mile ride, in traffic on the highway at 70-80 mph. The air is dense at 27 degrees.


I'm 6'2 and have the seat in the high position. When the wnidshield is all the way down, I get air on my helmet, but not a lot. Most of the blast is going over my head.


When I bring the sceeen up just a bit, the blast goes away, but I still get some air circulating around the cockpit.


If I raise the screen to just below eye level, the screen is very comfortable. There is a laminar flow going straight up behind the screen, hugging the screen profile, but there is very little wind on my body or helmet. There is a very, very slight low frequency turbulence, but remember I'm testing in traffic at 70-80 mph. I expect this to disappear in light traffic.


If I raise the screen all the way, I'm looking through the screen, about 1-2" below the top. I start to get mild backpressure in this setting, but nothing too uncomfortable.


This is the best screen I've ever tried. Period.

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