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WARNING- You may need ............


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...... a Shift Light if you buy a Shoei X Eleven helmet and a set of Arizona Al's earplugs.


This new helmet of mine is so quiet, that I've run my 996 Ducati into the rev limiter more than a few times already and I almost did it again today on the KRS. frown.gif

If your thinking about a helmet, you should try one of these on, they're really nice. thumbsup.gif

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I love my RF1000 but need to replace it this year. I was going to replace it with another RF1000 since it's so quiet and comfortable.


What are the major differences between the two helmets besides a couple hundred bucks?

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Let's see....wider chin bar, flows much more air, a little louder when all the vents are open, better cheek pads, removeable pads and liner, more expensive, and will not accept the RF1000 visors.

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In my case, that wider and, incidentally, slightly longer chin bar on the X-11 was too close to my face for comfort. I was literally kissing the liner of the helmet. I've got a big ol' head though, YMMV.

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Can I change the visor one handed at a stop light? I'm quite happy with the RF1000. It's got to be way better to get my attention. Specs say that it has an anti-fog chamber. Does it work? I ride in cold weather and it's a real problem.

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Took mine to DVD and there weren't any fogging problems and trust me ......it was cold out there. So cold we were writing our names though the frost on our seats in the morning. eek.gif

I like the fact that the entire insides come out so you can wash them and you can get different size pads if your helmet seems to loose or to tight around your face.

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Can I change the visor one handed at a stop light? I'm quite happy with the RF1000. It's got to be way better to get my attention. Specs say that it has an anti-fog chamber. Does it work? I ride in cold weather and it's a real problem.

X=11 is the best helmet I've ever owned, but, the only thing I HATE about it is how easily it fogs up. It fogs really easy! I put a Pinlock visor in and couldn't fog it up if I had to! X-11 and Pinlock is an unbeatable combination! I wish the Shoei Whisper Strip worked in it though. It'd be nice if it was quieter, but, what a great helmet!

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