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Replacement Connector(s)


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The wires into the back of the accessory socket on the front of my '05 R12 have been vampired into a couple of times by the previous owner (devices unknown) and I would like to add a few low amperage devices of my own.

I really don't want to add in a fuse block at this point, nor tap into that wire again. And I'd like to repair the damage that's been done but don't want to cut and solder either. Yeah, I'm picky. What I'd really like to do is buy a few OEM connectors and pins, cut out the bad wire and install the new connector with a few extra wires coming out the back of the connector. I should mention that the previous taps were made close to the connector and that (amazingly) there is plenty of slack.

So, if you've been able to follow my twisted logic - where can I source those connectors and pins? Is/are there a BMW part number(s)? Any special tools required? Better ways of accomplishing the same thing?


Thanks in advance!

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If the connector is in a relatively protected spot, say under the tank or behind the front fairing, I wouldn't hesitate to use a plain ol' Molex connector. WeatherPak is a much better choice. Only special tools you will need is a crimper for the pins (about 20 - 400 bucks depending on how fancy you want to get). There are configurations available from places like Newark Electronics for just about any job you could imagine.


You could also go to Radio Shack and just pick up a small terminal strip and splice the wires that way, it won't be quick disconnect but, normally, that doesn't matter much as there is a disconnect at the other end. Couple of dabs of silicone to seal it all up and you're done.

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So, if you've been able to follow my twisted logic - where can I source those connectors and pins? Is/are there a BMW part number(s)? Any special tools required? Better ways of accomplishing the same thing?


Thanks in advance!

What you want are the metal parts of the connector. The shell can be reused if you can get the metal parts out. I know for BMW cars - these are listed under the connectors section of the parts catalog.. I've bought them for my BMW cages more than once.


You may need a special tool to get the old pins/socket out - it usually is simply a tubular goober that slides down the front of the connector and depresses the teeth that stick into the plastic to keep the metal part in place. I've always managed to get the pins/sockets out using small jeweler's screwdrivers to depress the lock teeth while pushing or pulling on the wire going to the connector (depends which way it comes out..)


I've soldered the wires into the new BMW bits and then inserted them back into the salvaged shell. Worked fine.


I think some very careful looking on realoem.com will turn up the replacement pins/sockets (male/female..) then you just have to get your dealer to order them, and hope they're in the US (if not - it may take a few weeks to get them..)


HTH, (and I hate ScotchLoc taps on wire - destroys the harness and adds a nice point for galvanic corrosion..)

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