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Engine oil supply


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I am a relatively new owner of a 2000 R1100RT. Is it possible for the transmission oil to migrate to the engine oil leaving the transmission lower and of course engine oil higher?? As there are no dumb questions this is my entry confused.gif

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No - There is a dry cluth that seperates the engine and transmission


I guess you ask because you added oil, checked again later and discovered that you now have too much oil in the sight glass.


To check the oil, ride the bike till it warms up. Park it with the side stand to 10 minutes, raise it to the center stand and check the level.


The warm-up and 10 minute rest gives time for the oil to drain out of the oil cooler and into the crankcase.


The common wisdom is that, even a quart low, the RT's have more than enough capacity. If you overfill, you will blow oil into the air cleaner. Better low than high.


If you need to remove some, then I'd just go ahead and do an oil change ... you'll want a BMW stock filter and you'll need an appropriate oil filter wrench. Doesn't take long to do, and after you refill it with the precise amount required, you will get a better feel for what a normal level looks like in the glass and have a reference point for accurately measuring oil usage.


Just remember that once you start the bike, until it has cooled down ... some of the oil is in the radiator under the headlight and NOT in the crankcase.

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Thanks Dave.. I was aware of that procedure I'll just check it again. As long as its impossible for the oil to transfer I'll keep an eye on it clap.gif

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