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Rattle and clank at idle


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Well i got home tonight after riding about 30km.

Only noticed tonight. Has occasional rattle and clank noise when in idle and out of gear. I was still sitting on the bike.Revved up to 3500 and released. Rattle and clank etc and then it disappeared.

Checked for loose stuff (without taking the plastic stuff off) but all seemed ok.

Tried again

Pulled the clutch in and revved again etc and no noise.

Seems as if it only happens when the clutch is not activated (pulled in).

The question is, should i be concerned? Is this a precursor to something bigger or am just being paranoid about having the bike in perfect order for my day off tomorrow.

Apart from that, it runs like a dream. Starts, runs,revs,handles all ok.


Any ideas greatly appreciated.


Steve confused.gif


What you are hearing is slop in the gearbox. There is a lot of play in the engagement dogs and the box will rattle like an old tractor when off load. In other words, it is perfectly normal and TADT (they all do that).




I have a different version of soft metallic knocking in the motor. When the motor's cold, this knocking quiets down when I pull the clutch, but when it's warmed up, it quiets down when I let the clutch out. It has around 38K miles on it, and I don't recall this noise being there when it was new. I have fully synthetic 75W-90 oil in the tranny... maybe 75W-140 would help?


I get a clank when I release the clutch lever. It did this before and after a complete clutch assembly replacement. Since I've had the gearbox apart at the same time and everything seemed OK, I've concluded that this is ignorable.


Well it sounds like i may be a touch paranoid after all.(there are others who say different)

I will keep an eye on it and if it gets worse, well who knows.




Steve smile.gifsmile.gif

What you are hearing is slop in the gearbox. There is a lot of play in the engagement dogs and the box will rattle like an old tractor when off load. In other words, it is perfectly normal and TADT (they all do that).




Are you kidding? My 1972 Kubota doesn't rattle nearly as much. grin.gif


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