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The Bride of Frankenbike Lives


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It wasn't pretty but it had to be done. Could the scattered piles of BMW parts populating my garage ever be a bike again?


To answer that burning question required calling in the experts....they came from the north and from the south and wrenched and puzzled and wrenched and puzzled.




At the end of the day the one proud Black Beauty was running again but has now been transformed into Bride of Frankenbike. There were other names proposed, but the less said about that the better! grin.gif




Here Richard aka Benecia RT performs the brain transplant.




Having a couple of other bikes to refer to was enormously helpful too. 207730393-M.jpg


Of course some hidden secrets were revealed









BeneciaRT revealed that he is the Dog Whisperer




And here Jamie reveal his need for a chocolate intervention.


I will keep you posted as the story progresses.




BTW...I want to publicly put out a HUGE thank you to Jamie, Richard, Stan, and Michael. You guys went WAY beyond the call of duty and got me back on track.


You Rock! clap.gifclap.gif


Glad to help out Cameron. Good luck with the rest of your list.


No comment about the help. lurker.giflurker.gif

But thanks for all the food! wave.gifwave.gif

And the cake!!! clap.gifclap.gifclap.gif


Home via Ojai, Santa Paula, Moorpark.........

Almost no traffic.

Very Nice ride.

Much better than 5....... smile.gif





Of course some hidden secrets were revealed














BeneciaRT revealed that he is the Dog Whisperer





That looks like a very deep meeting of the minds there!


Probably quite the conversation went on,easy when yer both on the same level lmao.giflmao.gif



Glad to hear there is life in the bike,good to meet ya thumbsup.gif


Terrific news, Cameron. Sorry I missed it. Sounds like you all had loads of fun.


Keep us posted on progress.


- Scott

That looks like a very deep meeting of the minds there!


Probably quite the conversation went on,easy when yer both on the same level lmao.giflmao.gif




Ummm I would like to chime in...but I won't! lmao.giflmao.giflmao.giflmao.gif



Interesting photo. Looks like they put a house on a Xerox and hit "copy" a few times!


Interesting photo. Looks like they put a house on a Xerox and hit "copy" a few times!


Welcome to California.


More than one of them is for sale if you want a matched set.


I have very limited access to internet as of late, so now that I can post it...


I'm home! Not without issues, but home!!!


I drove down Friday afternoon, evening in some pretty crappy weather, but it wasn't too bad of a trip. After all, I was still on a motorcycle!


Sunday I decided to tackle a stuck/stripped bolt before I left. It was a steel bolt in a soft aluminum fork leg, so I thought I'd use my 'sperience to help the perfectly capable, but ailing, Cameron out. I knew as a was driling the drill bits were cheap, but it was making progress!


Then the drill bit snapped and proceeded straight THROUGH my left thumb! thumbsup.gif<<< ouch! dopeslap.gif


So refusing to be beat by such a minor setback, I went ahead and removed the offending bolt and started home soon there after.


After about a little over an hour into my journey home, my red Master Warning triangle come on and I see my temp gauge maxxed out! WTF??? confused.gif It is only 75 degrees out!


I found I could reduce power and it would begin to come down. However it would not budge if I got up to 80 or so and pulled in the clutch and let it roll getting all the air it could ever want for almost a mile! My next troubleshooting expiriment was behind big truck (NOT where I want to spend any time!!!) it would drop right to normal. I figured out once in the draft although airflow was diminished, I barely needed any power to maintain 60 or so. I spent the next hour or so drafting shortly and then passing trucks. (leapfrog anyone?)


As I got an hour or so from home, I had another thought:


Water pump???? confused.gif


I'll try this one, drop it into third gear at about 70 and although it was screaming along at 6-7000 rpm, the temp dropped like a rock!!!


conclusion by my feeble brain: failing water pump!!!


Now just the day before I had told many folks how much I loved the bike, and even though I had had a few problems, I still love it. I am now rethinking that statement...


Dealer says he'll work me in next Tuesday...


As to the finger, off to the ER that night and I missed the bone, AND didn't leave any extra drill bit pieces to be fished out!


Overall, a wonderful weekend with some wonderful people! clap.gif (Except maybe that crazy Canadian, ehhhh?)


Welcome to the thumb nickname club Richard. lmao.gif

Welcome to the thumb nickname club Richard. lmao.gif


Ahhhh, but mine was due to real injury prone work, not just removing the smallest piece of clothing I own (besides my thong blush.gif ... sleep well!!! lmao.giflmao.giflmao.gif)




I hope you or some of your wrenches could do a story or photo blog of the restoration you are going through on the RT.

BTW...I want to publicly put out a HUGE thank you to Jamie, Richard, Stan, and Michael. You guys went WAY beyond the call of duty and got me back on track.


You Rock! clap.gifclap.gif


How's it going now, Cameron? What's your status? How close to making this beast live again?? grin.gif (Or for that matter, how's the "Cameron medical rebuild" coming?)





Yo quiero Taco Bell....


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