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Torquing Hex Screws


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Greetings all,

I'm a relative newbee at wrenching. I purchased what I believe to be a decent 3/4" drive SK Torque wrench and used it for the first time today to tighten my final drive drain plug. Then I came to the hex screws; Do I need a different set of hex wrenches and adapter to be able to connect them to the torque wrench? Hope I'm not missing anything too obvious.



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Mark, From Sears tools , A set of 3/8 drive Allen head sockets. Great for fitting on a torque wrench. I imagine they make a set in 3/4 inch drive....... JMHO, 3/4 drive torque wrench seems overkill for the majority of numbers we deal with on the 6,000 and 12,000 maintaince services.

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I second the sears idea although they are over priced but still sheaper than Mac or snapon.

I have never needed anything beyond the scales of my two 1/2 inch drive wrenches, but I have needed lower. Remember that clicker types torque wrenches are only accurate in the upper 3/4 of the scale. Or to put it another way, the bottom quater of the scale has no published tollerance (usually). Always use your torque wrenches in the upper 3/4 of the scale, unless you have verified their calibration. And please please if you have clicker wrenches unscrew the handle all the way for storage. Failure to do this is the biggest reason for wrenches failing calibration.

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So, how do you test the calibration of a clicker wrench? I've got one that probably has not been used in 20 years, that definitely was NOT stored with the clicker turned all the way out.

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Thanks Bill and 1's and 0's. I looked at my torque wrench again and it actually is a 3/8" drive. I'll stop at Sears this week and check out the allen head sockets. Then if I really get bored, I'll go back and re-torque everything! Thanks!



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Then if I really get bored, I'll go back and re-torque everything!

Retorquing everything can actually torque beyond spec. Please use caution. I prefer loosening and then torquing.

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