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Stop & Go (almost)


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Went for a short (100 mile) breakfast ride down from Tucson to Patagonia and through Nogalas, Tubac and back to Tucson but had an "interuption". As I was heading home on I-19 out of Nogalas, I started to hear (not feel)a loud noise from the rear. Fearing an infamous "rear drive failure", I slowed down from about 85 to 60 and started to "feel" a little "wiggle". Sure enough a rear tire flat. I slowed down (no braking)until I could pull off the freeway and was surprised that the bike never did get "wild". I limped down about 1/2 mile to an exit and got off to a parking area. Back tire completely flat. Did the Stop & Go plug and pumped it up to 40 lbs and continued on my way but after 15 minutes, same thing again. Plugged it a second time and finally made it home where after 30 minutes it was flat again. The hole didn't seem large, just a simple puncture but the plug sure didn't work well. I am very pleased that the bike handled well (I didn't got down) both times with a flat rear tire. Glad I was close to home and got home before the monsoon rains we received a couple hours later.

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Stan Walker

After inserting the plug did you give it a strong pull (as if trying to pull it back out) then trim it off flush with the tire?


If not, they won't hold. At least that's how I explain my only experience with them. Just like you, I went about 20 miles, slowed down, and the plug was gone. A second plug got me home, only a couple more miles.


Now this repair kit mostly just stays home.



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I did give it a pull but broke off one plug so was more "gentle" on the next one. I just removed the tire a few minutes ago and found that the plug was indeed NOT seated on the inside so I guess I didn't pull hard enough.

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