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Corbin Seats - Local recovering good or bad idea?????

Shadow Rider

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Shadow Rider

Anybody have any advice on having a corbin seat re-covered locally? Would insist that existing foam be used, is that a problem? Will appreciate any pro's and con's on this idea. Thinking perhaps to save a few bucks????? Thumbs up or down?

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It isn't rocket science; any good upholstery shop should be capable of stapling a new piece of leather (or vinyl) on it. I am not sure why you want the original foam....if it is time for a new cover the foam may also be due for a replacement....

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Take it to an upholstery shop with motorcycle seat experience. They will cut out the basic pattern then cut it to fit. Once this is done they will spray glue on it and then restaple it. This is not rocket science by any means. I had this done to the seat on my 04 RT and it was a piece of cake. Regarding the Corbin seat they are very firm so you may want to add some foam to soften it up.

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