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Yellowstone, the Black Hills and more


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I'm currently on a ride with my cousin, who owns an ST. We started in Dallas and have arrived in Dubois, WY. Tomorrow we arrive in the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone. So far it's been a great trip with a few surprises. I'm updating a blog, something I've never done or thought I would do for that matter.


If anyone is interested, or has advice on things to see, please let me know. The blog is at http://mooredriven.blogspot.com/

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If you are in Jackson, WY at lunch or dinner time, be sure to go to 'Billys Burgers'. It is right across the street from the town square (on the west side, I believe - I got all turned around when I was out there). Billys is in the front 'foyer' of the local hot spot - you go into the front entry of the fancy place, and the burger joint is right there before you actually enter the fancy joint...wish I could think of the name of the fancy place. Anyway - Billys actually cooks all the burgers for the (expensive) joint. The cooks in there are crazy, and the burgers are awesome, and not expensive (unless you order them inside the fancy restaurant). The floors behind the counter are covered in enough grease to be declared a super site by the AEC, the cook drinks (as in guzzles) beer and has sometimes trades barbs with the customers while cooking...a great place.

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Just got back from the Black Hills - attended a family reunion. thumbsup.gif [wish I coulda been on the bike bncry.gif]


Went to Devil Towers, Sturgis, went to the lighting of Mt Rushmore at sunset, did the Needles Drive along with the wildlife loop at Custer Park. thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif


Ended the drive with a visit to Ft Laramie, where my Grandmother donated her square grand piano. [it literally took an act from Congress to get it shipped to the fort eek.gif] It was in one of the houses, but it was used in the Officer's Club lmao.gif

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