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R1200CL Custom stalling/stuttering problem


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I wasn't sure if this should go here or not as it's a 1200 but not a hexhead, anyway...My friend has an 03 R12CL custom that has been stalling on deceleration when the engine is warm. When he pulls in the clutch to slow down the engine stalls. He has no problem restarting the engine either with the starter or popping the clutch if he has enough momentum. He did recently have it tuned up at a local BMW dealer but they couldn't find an issue. It was doing this before the tune up. Any ideas on what could be causing the stalling?



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My clc did that repeatedly, with the same comment from the dealer.


I never did find a satisfactory fix. I ended up holding the throttle open a little (never allowing the throttle to fully close); it got worse as the bike got more miles on it. The throttle body design on the clc is not (IMO) worth a cr*p...tell your friend to get some GS throttle bodies and put those on the CL, you will not be sorry (the GS cams help too! grin.gif)


It was/is one of the things I will never miss about the clc.

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Thanks for the link Ken, lots of good info over there, seems to be a pretty common issue with the CL.

Thad thumbsup.gif

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