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UnRally III Updated Map


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I've updated my UnRally III map. It now includes symbols for construction areas (thanks MikeRC for the relevant links) and some route recommendations from a Wyoming resident and BMWST member (thanks DouglasR). I've also added a few roads (such as Gooseberry Creek Rd) and indicated the Scenic Byway roads.


I'm having a hard time finding info about the roads from Manderson to Ten Sleep via Hyattville. The maps I've consulted conflict not only on the route numbers, but the road conditions (paved? gravel?), and some don't even list the roads at all. It looks like it might be a pretty cool area...


The map requires Adobe Acrobat 5.0 or later. It's readable when printed as a single document on a 8.5" x 11" page, but I'd recommend printing it at tabloid size, or in segments at a greater zoom level, because there's a lot of info on it.


Click here to open/download it.


If anyone would like to correct/update any info on it, please let me know.



PS: An Acrobat 4.0-compatible map is here, but it doesn't contain the updated info. Please don't use this map unless you have to (the file size is over twice that of the 5.0-compatible map).


PPS: The photo above is of Cody and the Shoshone Canyon (looking west). I included it just to raise your Hoon Hormone levels. cool.gif


sean I'm not geting anything at either page

sean I'm not geting anything at either page
Hmmm... I just checked it and it worked okay for me. Can you right-click the link and choose "Save Target As" (Internet Explorer) or "Save Link As" (Mozilla), then save the Cody04.pdf file to your hard disk? If that works, then it sounds like maybe you don't have your web browser configured for a PDF helper application.

If your not getting the map it may be because you Acrobat Reader is old. Mine was 4.0 and I thought it was up to date. Once corrected it worked great. Thanks Sean!




Thanks for all the work you put into this. I have printed many of the relevent areas, and packed them in a ZipLock.


Two weeks today I should be finished my first loop. Looks like 14A- 14 might be the first outing. I'm saving WY296 - US212 - MT78 for the trip home!!


Mike Cassidy


right clicking and saving it worked. Dunno why it won't open otherwise since I have version 5.0. Oh well nice work Sean. It way cool with the motorcycle on the route thumbsup.gif


Nice map, how come I can't print 'em?????


They open fine, I save'em to a file, but they won't print.



They open fine, I save'em to a file, but they won't print.
Hmm... That's odd. I just printed a couple copies at various zoom levels. Are you printing from Acrobat itself, your web browser, or some other PDF viewer? Is it giving you an error message?

Printing fine here on Acrobat 6 Pro...


Going to bring a few "LARGE" copies with me to cody... Too bad my color laser can't do 11x17.


Thank goodness for E sized plotters!


Sean sorry to bug you after you put so much work into this but how do you print them at different zoom levels? I can only print at 100 % in acrobat 5.0. I checked the help files and they were no help frown.gif


My Print dialog box has a number of options, among them the following: All (the default), Current View, Current Page and From. Choosing the Current View option prints the document at the current zoom level.


I'm using Acro6. 5 might call it something else, but I'm pretty sure it has the option.


WOW Sean! Amazing!


I couldn't open anything with my old (supported by Bayer IS Dept) version 4 Acrobat Reader, so I snuck into my PC, upgraded myself to Admin for a few hours, and installed version 6. It was certainly worth it!


I'm going to print a frame a copy, if you don't mind Sean, of course.


BTW Russell, my color laser does do 11 X 17.




Okay, I've updated the Cody map again. This time with gas stations that Jamie verified during his recon excursion, as well as a few I know exist in the area. We didn't include obvious gas stops (like Sheridan or Billings) on the map, just ones in the more remote areas. It should provide a decent visual indicator.


The map with gas stops is here.


The previous map without gas stops is still there too.


I just printed a 36" x 70" of the map on coated paper with the gas stations marked. Should make a great HQ map... Hopefully I can fit it on my bike, I may have to fold it, which would be a shame, it looks beautiful.


Now to print some smaller version to carry around... this thing is huge! thumbsup.gif


Instead of folding it and taking it with you, you can mail it to:


Ponderosa Campground

C/O BMW UnRally

1815 8th St.

Cody, WY 82414


Just get a receipt for the postage costs, and the UnOrganizers will reimburse you.


Thanks for getting a decent printout!


That'll work... I have a 36" wide and 2 24" wides... it's not quite 72" long because of scaling proportions but it is definetly big and good to look at for planning routes or talking about where you went.


Will send it out tuesday right before I leave.


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