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Buying a three wire male/ female connector help


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I'm looking to change out my whimpy three wire connection on my Ducati voltage regulator with one that's more robust and I can't find where to buy them.

The male / female connectors used on a Hayabusa is perfect, it's a three spade type connector set up that's twice as large as the OEM one that I have. The wire size is 12 ga. and it doesn't have to be weather tight like the AMP ones, just a nice three wire connector will do.


Anyone know where I can pick one of these set ups at. I can't just buy the Hayabusa male/ female set up alone without buying the coil along with it and I really don't want to buy a used one and strip it.

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+1 on Digikey


If you want it now and don't mind it being a little larger try Radio Shack. A local electronics supply place should have them too.

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