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100,000 Maintance Suggestions


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I turned 100,000 miles on my way home from work today. What would be some of the suggested maintance items that you would pull. The bike runs great, so I'm leaning torwards "If it's not broke-don't fix it"

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If you've kept up with your routine maintenance, I wouldn't worry at all about the 100k mark. I'd probably be looking at pulling the tranny and replacing the clutch next winter when riding time is limited. It should have some life left, but I'd rather do it in January than have to do next July if it wears out then. Of course, if your not hard on the clutch you may be able to get another 50-100k out of it, so ...


Also, if you haven't replaced/upgraded the HES harness, I'd at least cut the shrinkwrap and inspect the wires.


While there are lots of things that people have had fail catastrophically, predicting which one, if any, you'll have isn't likely. If you start trying to prevent them all, you'll just spend a lot of time and money replacing good parts.

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