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The countdown continues...


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Pain is still like some sort of leach-like, unwelcome guest in our house. Unfortunately, unlike such a "guest", we can't get it to leave, regardless of what kind of assault we make on it. It continues to wreak havoc and cause a constant emotional and physical toll.


One more day has been managed, and only 2 more to get through until Cameron can make the turn onto the road to recovery. It takes a lot of effort to function and small physical tasks are exhausting. It's so nice to watch him sleep because I know that at least then he's relaxed and less aware of the discomfort. His RLS has been acting up quite a bit lately and that makes it hard to stay in one place, creating the need to get back into the wheelchair and try to maneuver his way around the house. It's a vicious cycle of laying down due to pain, getting into the wheelchair to curb the RLS, hurting from the movement, and doing it all over again.


In the middle of all this, he had a visit from a very good friend from L.A. It was great for him to have the conversation and diversion from everything. It definitely lifted his spirits for the afternoon. I'm really glad they got the chance to get together.


He usually tries to focus on a project he's working on that includes the podcast. It's so slow going and he gets frustrated, but both will be done eventually. I'd help him, but know nothing of the process, and this seems to give him something to concentrate on. Those of you who have followed the podcasts in the past, be patient as it will be up and running as soon as possible. It's high on his priority list.


I'm not sure if I mentioned what hospital he'll be at - San Joaquin Community Hospital, in Bakersfield, CA (661-395-3000). They're doing the surgery sometime Wednesday (we should find out the time tomorrow at the pre-op) and is expected to be discharged Friday. As far as I know, the doctor says he'll be going home afterward with outpatient physical therapy visits.


We have a busy morning tomorrow and I still haven't heard about the CT scan appt. so that will be added to either Mon. or Tues. schedule. Neither of the appts. tomorrow will be long, it's just the switching from chair to vehicle and back again that is so tiring. Having multiple appts. just compounds the issue.


I wish I could find something that would alleviate the pain for him, besides getting more intense drugs. I asked him if icing down the leg would help and he didn't think it would feel good. I need to pay a visit to his doctor's office tomorrow to drop off some paperwork and will ask his assistant for help with this. If he could just get some relief for these 2 days it would give him more strength for the surgery day. My focus is on trying to keep him comfortable, though I don't seem to have much luck with it.


One thing I have noticed in all this. You can count as fast as you like to try to speed things up, but time is still one constant that goes at it's own pace.

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Just to let you know someone is thinking about you and wishing you both lots of luck. I am gone for two months on a trip to sprinkle my dads ashes in Alaska. His last bike ride. Take care Mike

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I wish I could find something that would alleviate the pain for him, besides getting more intense drugs. I asked him if icing down the leg would help and he didn't think it would feel good. I need to pay a visit to his doctor's office tomorrow to drop off some paperwork and will ask his assistant for help with this.


A MAJOR cause of the pain is swelling. Ice reduces swelling, as does elevation (usually, leg above the hip, but below the level of the heart). Definitely check with your doctor, but ice and elevation probably should be part of his pain control therapy.


God Bless you; have been praying for you both.



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